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Proenca, A.J.
Machado, R.J.;
Fernandes, J.M.;
Proenca, A.J.:
An object-oriented model for rapid prototyping of data path/control systems - a case study.
Fernandes, Joćo M.;
Adamski, Marian;
Proença, Alberto J.:
VHDL Generation from Hierarchical Petri Net Specifications of Parallel Controllers.
Machado, Ricardo Jorge;
Fernandes, Joćo M.;
Proença, Alberto J.:
Specification of Industrial Digital Controllers with Object-Oriented Petri Nets.
Machado, Ricardo Jorge;
Fernandes, Joćo M.;
Proença, Alberto J.:
Redes de Petri e VHDL na Prototipagem Rápida de Sistemas Digitais.
Machado, Ricardo Jorge;
Fernandes, Joćo M.;
Proença, Alberto J.:
SOFHIA: A CAD Environment to Design Digital Control Systems.
Fernandes, Joao M.;
Pina, Antonio M.;
Proença, Alberto J.:
Simulacao e sintese de controladores paralelos baseados em redes de Petri.
Fernandes, Joao M.;
Pina, Antonio M.;
Proença, Alberto J.:
Concurrent Execution of Petri Nets based on Agents.
Fernandes, Joao Miguel;
Proença, Alberto José:
Petri Nets on the Specification and Validation of Parallel Controllers.
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