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Réseaux et Logique.

Pelz, Elisabeth

These d'État. Univ. de Paris-Sud, Centre d'Orsay, France, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, 1990.

Abstract: The author studies the behaviour of Elementary Net systems (EN systems) and Place/Transition systems (P/T-systems). Two semantics are considered: that of ``true concurrency'' is expressed by the partial word languages of nets, and the interleaving semantics by their finitary and infinitary sequential languages. The author proves the definability in Büchis monadic second order logic of the partial word and sequential languages of EN systems. The author defines a natural extension of this logic for P/T-systems and shows the definability of the different kinds of languages of P/T-systems in the new logic. Closure properties of different net classes with respect to a given behaviour are also investigated.

Keywords: (nets and) logic; elementary net system; place/transition system; true concurrency semantics; partial word language; interleaving semantics; finitary, infinitary sequential language; definability; monadic second order logic; closure property.

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