In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'2000), 8-11 October 2000, Nashville, TN, Vol. 4, pages 3201-3206. 2000.
Abstract: The logic controller for a machining system is a discrete-event supervisory system. In high volume transfer lines, it consists of three control modes: auto, hand and manual. A logic controller can achieve the goal of a machining system by its control logic. This paper addresses a formal Petri net representation of the control logic and its implementation. The control logic is represented by two Petri net models: one for the mode decision control logic, and the other for the sequence control logic. Because the Petri net models are live, safe, and reversible, the actual logic control program can be generated directly from the Petri net models by using IEC1131-3 programming languages.
Keywords: Petri nets, control logic generation, logic controllers.