In: J.W. de Bakker, et al.: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 430; Proceedings of the REX Workshop on Stepwise Refinement, 1989, Mook, The Netherlands, pages 592-621. Berin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1990.
Abstract: The author presents an approach to the top-down construction of process terms from trace specifications. Process terms are built from operators of CCS, CSP, and COSY, and denote labelled Petri nets. Trace specifications are first order formulas of Zwiers' trace logic and denote sets of finite communication sequences. The link between process terms and trace specifications is given by a new notion of process correctness which deals with both safety and liveness properties. The top-down construction proceeds by an application of compositional transformation rules which refine the given trace specification stepwise into a process term.
Keywords: trace specification; CCS; COSY; labelled net; process correctness; compositional transformation rule.