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Dynamic documents: authoring, browsing, and analysis using a high-level petri net-based hypermedia system.

Na, Jin-Cheon; Furuta, Richard

In: Document Engineering, pages 38-47. Proceedings of the 2001 ACM Symposium on Document engineering, Atlanta, Georgia, USA --- ACM Press, 2001.

Abstract: caT (for Context-Aware Trellis) was initially developed to support context-aware documents by incorporating high-level Petri-net specification, context-awareness, user modeling, and fuzzy knowledge handling features into Trellis, a Petri-net-based hypermedia system. The browsing behavior of documents specified in the caT model can reflect the reader's contextual (such as location and time) and preference information. Recently, to provide a framework for the authoring, browsing, and analysis of reasonably complex, dynamic documents, we added (or extended) several features in the caT system, providing hierarchical Petri net support, a structured authoring tool, browsing tools for multiple presentations of a particular document's specification, and a Petri net analysis tool. In this paper, we present the extended features of caT and give examples of using caT to define and present various documents, such as formal specification of software requirements and customized Web documents. Since caT is based on a formal model, the behavioral characteristics of developed caT models can be analyzed. Current debugging and analysis tools, integrated into the authoring tool, are also introduced.

Keywords: caT; dynamic documents; petri-net-based hypertext; trellis.

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