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Petri net based control of a modular production system.

Music, G.; Matko, D.

In: Proc. IEEE Int. Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE'99), 12-16 July 1999, Bled, Slovenia, Vol. 3, pages 1383-1388. 1999.

Abstract: A systematic approach to the design of sequential control is presented and illustrated by a case study of a two-level hierarchical and distributed control design for a laboratory scale modular production system. The authors' first goal is to show how Petri net models can be used as a tool for sequential control specification that enables systematic development and analysis of specification model. Secondly, they show how the same specification model can be used as an input data for the design of the second coordination level employing supervisory control concepts. Finally, an implementation method is presented which enables Petri net supervisor to be separated from the low level process model and implemented in a distributed environment.

Keywords: Petri nets, control system specifications, control systems, distributed environments, supervisory control.

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