In: Zedan, H.: Real-Time Systems: Theory and Applications. Proceedings of the Conference Organized by the British Computer Society, 1989, York, UK, pages 119-132. Amsterdam, Netherlands: North-Holland, 1990.
Abstract: The paper begins by tackling the problem of extending the testing activity to the specification phases. In particular, it proposes the use of the same model, based on high level Petri nets called enviromnent/relationship nets, for representing both the specifications and the implementations. Then, it proposes adequacy criteria for the suggested model. Such criteria are based on coverage measures of the topology of Petri nets. They allow the production of test data for analyzing the specifications and the implementations. The adequacy criteria can be used not only for deriving structural tests, but also functional tests.
Keywords: high-level net; concurrent, real-time system(s); specification test; environment/relationship net; coverage measure (of the) topology (of) net(s); structural test; functional test.