Technical Report SRI--CSL--90--02R, pages 1-58 pp.. Menlo Park, CA, USA: SRI International, February 1990. Revised June, 1990.
Abstract: In the paper, the author proposes a generalized version of the concurrent rewriting model as a universal model of concurrency, and, shows that it provides a good basis on which to unify many different concurrency theories. A related aim is to provide concurrent programming with a new mathematical semantics based on categorial logic; this semantics generalizes the categorial semantics of Petri nets (cf Meseguer: ``Petri Nets are Monoids'', Information and Computation, (1990), see above). The paper contains an introduction into rewrite systems, a detailed discussion of how the concurrent rewriting model specializes to a variety of models of concurrency including labelled transition systems and Petri nets, and cotains a model theoretic semantics of rewriting logic.
Keywords: rewriting, (unified) model (of) concurrency; concurrent programming semantics; categorial semantics; labelled transition system; model theoretic semantics (of) rewriting logic.