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Construction of Traps for Refined Petri Boxes.

Melzer, S.; Riemann, R.-C.

LRI-Rapport No. 1133, pages 1-27. Université Paris-Sud, October 1997. Available at

Also in: ISCIS XII: Twelfth International Symposium on Computer and Information Science, pages 568-575. October 1997. Abridged version.

Abstract: The paper shows how to synthesise initially marked traps of a Petri Box for the refinement and scoping operations, from the characteristics of its components. Traps are structurally defined subnets of a Petri net having the property that once a trap is marked (i.e., carries at least one token), it remains marked in any successive marking. Starting point for our paper is the work of R. Devillers on the construction of S-invariants for Petri Boxes.

Keywords: Petri Boxes; Traps; Refinement; Synchronisation.

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