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A Generalization of Predicate/Transition Nets.

Maggiolo-Schettini, Andrea; Winkowski, Józef

Series A: Research Reports, No. 13. Espoo, Finland: Helsinki Unversity of Technology, Digital Systems Laboratory, February 1990.

Abstract: A concept of predicate/transition seminets is introduced which generalizes predicate/transition nets by allowing a communication with the possible environments. An operational and denotational semantics for predicate/transition seminets are given and compared. These semantics are compositional in the sense that the behaviour of a compound predicate/transition seminet can be obtained from the behaviours of the components. A way defining behavioural equivalences of the considered predicate/transition seminets is described.

Keywords: generalization (of) predicate/transition net(s); predicate/transition seminet, (allowing) communication (with) environment; operational semantics; denotational semantics; compositionality; behavioural equivalence.

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