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High-level Nets and Linear Logic.

Lilius, Johan

In: Jensen, K.: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 616; 13th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1992, Sheffield, UK, pages 310-327. Springer-Verlag, June 1992.

Abstract: We show how algebraic high-level nets give rise to a model of intuitionistic predicate linear logic. This construction extends the correspondence between intuitionistic linear logic (ILL) and Petri nets. The model is constructed in several steps. First it is shown how a Petri net gives rise to a model of ILL. This construction is proved to be functorial. Then we show how an algebraic high-level net gives rise to a Petri net and prove that the construction is functorial. The wanted model is then arrived at through the composition of the two functors. Finally we show as an example how to express an algebraic high-level net as a set of intuitionistic predicate linear logic formulas.

Keywords: Analysis and synthesis; structure and behavior of nets; higher-level net models.

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