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LOOPN++: A New Language for Object-Oriented Petri Nets.

Lakos, C.A.; Keen, C.

In: Proceedings of Modelling and Simulation (European Simulation Multiconference), Barcelona, pages 369-374. Society for Computer Simulation, 1994.

Also in: Report TR94-4. Computer Science Department, University of Tasmania, 1994.

Abstract: In recent years, there has been significant interest in combining the benefits of object-oriented structuring techniques with the petri net formalism which has proved beneficial in the modelling and simulation of concurrent systems. This paper presents a more extensive application of object-oriented ideas to Coloured Petri Nets, in that it breaks away from the traditional approach of viewing the data as essentially passive and the petri net as a global control structure. The paper presents a textual language for specifying object-oriented petri nets which is convenient for modelling complex concurrent systems. The underlying formalism provides the basis for transforming object-oriented nets into Coloured Petri Net models where traditional analysis techniques can be applied

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