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Keyword: system verification
Couvreur, Jean-Michel;
Encrenaz, Emmanuelle;
Paviot-Adet, Emmanuel;
Poitrenaud, Denis;
Wacrenier, Pierre-André:
Data Decision Diagrams for Petri Net Analysis.
Cortes, L.A.;
Eles, P.;
Peng, Z.:
Verification of embedded systems using a Petri net based representation.
Wang, J.;
Deng, Y.;
Xu, G.:
Reachability analysis of real-time systems using time Petri nets.
Alekseev, A.G.;
Bystrov, A.V.;
Kurtov, S.A.;
Mylnikov, S.P.;
Nepomnyashchy, V.A.;
Okunishnikova, E.V.;
Chubarev, P.A.;
Churina, T.G.:
Application of Petri nets in verification of distributed systems represented in the Estelle language.
Bernardo, M.;
Donatiello, L.;
Gorrieri, R.:
A formal approach to the integration of performance aspects in the modeling and analysis of concurrent systems.
Hiraishi, K.:
Efficient analysis of concurrent systems by Petri nets.
Hirashi, K.;
Nakano, M.:
On symbolic model checking in Petri nets.
Valmari, Antti:
Compositional State Space Generation.
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