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Keyword: object petri nets
Bonnet-Torres, Olivier:
Local replanning in a team of cooperative agents.
Bonnet-Torres, Olivier;
Tessier, Catherine:
From team plan to individual plans: a petri net-based approach.
Farwer, B.:
A multi-region linear logic based calculus for dynamic Petri net structures.
Aoumeur, N.;
Saake, G.:
Towards an object Petri net model for specifying and validating distributed information systems.
Lakos, C.;
Lamp, J.:
The incremental modeling of the Z39.50 protocol with object Petri nets.
Hammami, S.;
Moalla, M.;
Chaillet-Subias, A.:
The contribution of multi-agent systems to monitoring and diagnosis FMS.
Nuetzel, J.;
Daene, B.;
Fengler, W.:
Object nets for the design and verification of distributes and embedded systems.
Ausfelder, C.;
Castelain, E.;
Gentina, J.-C.:
A method for hierarchical modeling of the command of flexible manufacturing systems.
Ausfelder, C.;
Castelani, E.;
Gentina, J.-C.:
A hierarchical modular model of flexible manufacturing systems.
Ben Ahmed, S.;
Moalla, M.;
Estaban, P.;
Courvoisier, M.:
A modular approach to the specification and validation of the production flexible systems command.
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