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Keyword: embedded systems
Jörgensen, Jens Bæk;
Christensen, Sören;
Tuovinen, Antti-Pekka;
Xu, Jianli:
Tool Support for Estimating the Memory Usage of Mobile Phone Software.
Bastide, Rémi;
Navarre, David;
Palanque, Philippe;
Schyn, Amélie;
Dragicevic, Pierre:
A model-based approach for real-time embedded multimodal systems in military aircrafts.
Cortés, Luis Alejandro;
Eles, Petru;
Peng, Zebo:
Modeling and formal verification of embedded systems based on a Petri net representation.
Cortes, L.A.;
Eles, P.;
Peng, Z.:
Definitions of equivalence for transformational synthesis of embedded systems.
Cortes, L.A.;
Eles, P.;
Peng, Z.:
Formal coverification of embedded systems using model checking.
Cortes, L.A.;
Eles, P.;
Peng, Z.:
Verification of embedded systems using a Petri net based representation.
Sheldon, F.T.;
Greiner, S.;
Benzinger, M.:
Specification, safety and reliability analysis using stochastic Petri net models.
Nuetzel, J.;
Daene, B.;
Fengler, W.:
Object nets for the design and verification of distributes and embedded systems.
Esser, Robert:
An Object Oriented Language for Emdedded System Design.
Esser, Robert:
An Object Oriented Petri Net Approach to Embedded System Design.
Felder, M.;
Mandrioli, D.;
Morzenti, A.:
Proving Properties of Real-Time Systems Through Logical Specifications and Petri Net Models.
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