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Analysis tool for concurrent processing computer systems.

Jones, R.L.; Stoughton, J.W.; Mielke, R.R.

In: Southeastcon'91, IEEE Proceedings, Vol 2, USA, April 8-10, 1991, pages 620-625. 1991.

Abstract: Diagnostics software for analyzing ATAMM-based concurrent processing systems is presented. Algorithm to Architecture Mapping Model (ATAMM) is a new Petri net based model capable of modeling the execution of computationally complex algorithms on distributed data flow architectures. The ATAMM Multicomputer Operating System (AMOS) which enforces the ATAMM rules for predictable multiprocessing is presented. The software presented in this paper, referred to as the Analysis Tool, evaluates the behavior and performance of an ATAMM-based system by examining the time-tagged AMOS communication events collected in a file during execution. The tool provides automatic and user-interactive measurements of throughput, concurrency, resource utilization, and system overhead

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