In: WSEAS Transaction on Circuits and Systems, Issue 5, Vol.4, pages 513-520. May 2005.
Abstract: Hybrid systems are dynamic systems characterized by an interaction between continuous and discrete dynamics, frequently arise in engineering applications. Due to combination of two different behaviors, hybrid systems are inherently difficult to analyze formally. Therefore numerical simulation plays an important role in the analysis of such systems. A hybrid model must be able to express the interaction between continuous and discrete dynamics. By modeling these different components using differential equations and discrete events, it is possible to represent a wide range of phenomena present in physical and technological systems. Since many of these applications are safety critical, it is important to use reliable methods to simulate hybrid systems. This paper deals with modeling and simulation of hybrid systems using an extended form of timed Petri nets where both different components of the hybrid system and interaction between them are considered. The proposed method is used for modeling of a robotic manufacturing system. The simulation results are obtained by a modified Petri net toolbox.
Keywords: Hybrid systems; Timed Petri nets; Discrete event; Modeling; Simulation; Manufacturing systems.