In: Rozenberg, G.: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 524; Advances in Petri Nets 1991, pages 188-204. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1991.
Abstract: Reorganizing of a production in accordance with the kanban priniples requires considerate assistance in the process of decision making, while generally it is necessary to integrate the principle on a suitable form into existing production organisations. There is a need for computer aided methods for system analysis. A method is outlined, how to model, analyse and simulate a kanban oriented production by using Petri nets supported by the PSItool NET. Special notice is given to the development of a building block for a standard production. The possibilities are shown to adopt this building block to specific conditions.
Keywords: computer supported design (of) kanban controlled production; integrated system analysis (and) simulation (with) high order net; PSI NET tool; predicate/transition net; simulation; animation.