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On Well-formed Nets and Optimizations in Enabling Tests.

Ilié, J.-M.; Rojas, O.

In: Ajmone Marsan, M.: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 691; Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1993, Proceedings 14th International Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, pages 300-318. Springer-Verlag, 1993.

Abstract: Simulation techniques are frequently used to verify behavioural properties of complex systems. The tools which enhance these techniques have to cope with combinatorial explosion problems, even for small system specifications. Several optimizations have been proposed in order to perform exhaustive simulations. In well-formed nets, they may be complemented by optimized management of transition firings. We would like to propose a methodological approach to take into account dependency relations between tokens to avoid useless combinations. A simulation service has been implemented to enhance this work.

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