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Specifying and simulating modern warfare scenarios with ITSimBw.

Hügelmeyer, Philipp; Steffens, Timo; Zöller, Thomas

In: WSC '06: Proceedings of the 37th conference on Winter simulation, pages 1273-1279. Winter Simulation Conference, 2006.

Abstract: The aim of this paper is the presentation of the military multi-agent simulation system ITSimBw. Its decisive features include a strictly agent-based approach to modeling, in which every entity in a simulated environment can potentially become an active element. Technologically, ITSimBw is based on the Flip-Tick-Architecture. Moreover, a focus on IT and communication aspects is one of its important characteristics. Additionally, the impact of scaling aspects in the design of scenarios and their support by the simulation system is addressed.As the utility of simulation strongly depends upon the quality of the employed scenarios, ITSimBw also contains a unique approach to scenario description, termed LAMPS (Language for Agent-based Modeling of Processes and Scenarios). LAMPS is based on high-level Petri-Nets and enables the specification of individual agent behavior as well as complex scenarios in a uniform way.

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