iias, Research Report No. 100, pages 1-17 pp.. Numazu, Japan: International Institute for Advanced Study of Social Information Science, February 1990.
Abstract: The author obtains a necessary and suffucient condition for a Petri net to be weakly persistent for every initial marking. A necessary and sufficient condition for reachability can also be obtained for this class of Petri nets. The reachability set of a weakly persistent Petri net has been shown to be semilinear. The class of normal Petri nets has been proposed as a class of Petri nets which have semilinear reachability sets. Normality of Petri nets is a structural condition for sinklessness. The author shows that the reachability set is semilinear if the total number of times that sinklessness is violated is finite during each firing.
Keywords: weak persistency; semilinearity (of) reachability set; reachability condition; normal net; sinklessness.