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Applications of Generalised Semi Markov Processes to Stochastic Petri Nets.

Henderson, W.; Lucic, D.

In: WG 7.3 International Seminar, 1988, Kyoto, Japan / Hasegawa, T.; et al.: Performance of Distributed and Parallel Systems. Proceedings of the IFIP TC 7, pages 315-328. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1989.

Abstract: A generalised semi Markov process (GSMP) is introduced. A GSMP is more general than a semi Markov process and can therefore model a wider class of stochastic Petri nets (SPNs). The authors begin by applying known insensitivity results for GSMPs to SPNs. However, to obtain more powerful results they turn to some recent extentions to GSMPs, namely the interruption processes and the age dependent routing processes.

Keywords: semi Markov process; stochastic net; insensitivity; interruption process; routing process.

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