0/XAD: Master's thesis. Report No. AD--A231 859, pages 1-63 pp.. Monterey, CA, USA: Naval Postgraduate School, December 1990.
Abstract: Fault trees and Petri nets are two graphical tools used in the safety analysis of software. Independently Petri nets and fault trees serve limited evaluation purposes. This thesis presents a technique that converts and links Petri nets to fault trees and vice versa. Software Fault Tree Analysis and timed Petri nets facilitate software safety analysis in heterogeneous multiprocessor control systems. Analysis uses a Petri net to graphically organize the selected software. Through the combination of Petri nets and fault trees, one can determine a software fault if one can reach an undesired Petri net state from an initial marking.
Keywords: safety analysis (of) multiprocessor control system software; fault tree; evaluation purpose; timed net; safety analysis; reachability.