In: Quality of Service in Multiservice IP Networks (QoS-IP 2003), Proceedings of the Second International Workshop, Milano, Italy, February 24-26, 2003, pages 372-391. Volume 2601 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science / M. Ajmone Marsan, G. Corazza. M. Listanti, A. Roveri (Eds.) --- Springer Verlag, February 2003.
Abstract: This paper proposes the Stochastic Petri Nets (SPN) formalism to model IP networks loaded with traffic resulting from a set of ON-OFF finite TCP-Reno connections. The approach is based on separate model descriptions of the TCP connection latency to transfer a finite number of packets and the IP network links; the two models are iteratively solved using a fixed point method. The overall model parameters are the primitive network characteristics; the model solution yields an estimation of the packet loss probability, the average completion time to transfer a finite number of packets over a TCP connection as well as the distribution of the completion time. The validation of the proposed approach and the future extensions to this work will also be discussed.