Dissertation. Univ. of Zaragoza, Spain, June 1990.
Abstract: The paper aims at offering a comprehensive view of the solutions given by structure theory to the analysis and synthesis problems of free choice nets. A particular feature of this thesis is the emphasis put on computational aspects. Chapter 1 contains basic definitions. Chapter 2 contains all structural objects (tools) the resarcher can apply to a given problem. Chapter 3 sharpens special tools, namely siphons and traps. The analysis problem is discussed in chapters 4--6: analysis of liveness and boundedness, properties of live and bounded nets, and analysis of other properties. The last two chapters are devoted to the synthesis problem: they deal with the top-down methodology and the modular synthesis.
Keywords: analysis (and) synthesis (of) free choice net(s); comutational aspects; siphon; trap; liveness; boundedness; top-down methodology; modular synthesis.