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A Formal Protocol Specification with Predicate/Transition Nets.

Eggert, H.; Korczynski, W.

In: Haapanen, P.J.: Artificial Intelligence in Nuclear Power Plants, Vol. 2. (Conference 1989, Helsinki, Finland), pages 25-39. Espoo, Fnland: Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus, 1990.

Abstract: For the verification and documentation of net specifications computer tools are an absolute necessity. In the described case the operating system UNIX was available with a special Petri Net Tool PROVER (PRedicate/Transition Net Oriented VERification System). In this environment a net specification was developed which provides a formal description of an application protocol for a communication system. This communication system is the central part of our distributed Fast Reactor Diagnostic System DESYRE (Diagnostic Expert SYstem for REactor Surveillance).

Keywords: protocol specification (with) predicate/transition net; Unix; net tool; PROVER, predicate/transition net-oriented verification system; application protocol; communication system; DESYRE, diagnostic expert system (for) reactor surveillance; extpert system.

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