In: SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol. 15, No. 6, pages 193-205. December 1990.
Also as: Internes Memorandum Nr. 51, pages 1-18 pp.. Universität Dortmund, Germany, Fachbereich Informatik, 1990. Changed title: Software Process Management in the Environment MELMAC.
Abstract: An introduction is given to an approach to software process modeling and execution, based on the distinction between an application level and an intermediate level representation of software process models. For describing different entities of software process models different views are used. The entities specified within all the views are uniformly represented on the intermediate level by FUNSOFT nets. FUNSOFT nets are high-level Petri nets which are adapted to the requirements of software process management. The authors discuss also the architecture of the environment MELMAC which supports software process modeling as well as software process execution.
Keywords: software engineering (environment) MELMAC; FUNSOFT net; high-level net; software process management.