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Eine Methodenkette zur integrierten Software-Entwicklung: Von der Problemstellung zum Programmsystem mit Petrinetzen.

Damavandi, Kamran. R.

Dissertation, pages 1-213 pp.. Berlin, Germany: Technische Universität, Fachbereich 20, Informatik --- Washington, DC, USA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (No. N91--15769/3/XAD, ETN--91--98497), 1990. In German.

Abstract: A software development environment is conceptualized with a view to improving software quality by a uniform chain process based on Petri nets. Organization nets which are introduced allow problem solutions to be described on a very abstract level. These nets, whose nodes can be arbitrary graphic symbols, are transformed into equally abstract Channel/Agency nets (CA nets) which are ordinary Petri nets. The transformation of CA nets into function nets is one more step to the refinement of the problem description. A further improvement is made by rules for mapping function nets in Predicate/Transition nets. These rules make the problem specifications accessible to formal methods of net theory.

Keywords: integrated software development; organization net; channel/agency net; function net; predicate/transition net.

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