In: Proc. 4th IEEE Int. High-Assurance Systems Engineering Symposium, 17-19 November 1999, Washington, DC, pages 37-45. 1999.
Abstract: The paper introduced a method to model embedded dependability-critical systems as AND-composition of Guarded Statecharts, which are special UML-statecharts. Guarded Statecharts can be used to model reactive behavior of embedded systems, so that their quantitative analysis is possible. First, a motivation for using Guarded statecharts to express the interaction between the hardware and software components of embedded systems is presented; they are also used to model faults and errors as state perturbations. Then these models are transformed into Stochastic Reward Nets amenable to s quantitative dependability analysis. Finally, the proposed approach is illustrated by an example.
Keywords: UML statecharts, dependability-critical systems, guarded statecharts, quantitative evaluations, stochastic reward nets.