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A temporized Petri net approach for design, modeling, and analysis of flexible production systems.

Colombo, A.W.; Carelli, R.; Kuchen, B.

In: Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 13, No. 3, pages 214-226. 1997.

Abstract: The aim of this work is to present an approach, which allows the reproduction of a flexible production system behavior during production operations and gives feedback about its efficiency, in order to validate the system's specifications. The modeling and analysis of flexible production systems are investigate for both functional and performance objectives. The paper focuses particularly on the modeling and analysis of production systems using a new proposed temporized Petri net tool and demonstrates how the model obtained suits the tasks well by producing a higher accuracy system description. An analysis methodology based on both structural and reachability-like approaches is also presented to derive the behavior characteristics of the modeled systems in terms of their functionality and performance. From validation data analysis the user can obtain useful suggestions regarding layout configuration and strategies of resource management and can be guided throughout the whole production system design phase. An application example is given.

Keywords: flexible production systems, functional analysis, temporal Petri nets.

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