In: Proceedings of the second IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC'02), October 6-9, 2002, Hammamet, Tunisia, Volume 4. IEEE Computer Society Press, October 2002.
Abstract: The assessment of the impact of product and production process development is an actual problem of companies; indeed, they must know at the earlier stage of the development process, if the development is possible or not. We have proposed in previous works a general method to make the assessment before its realisation. This method needs a simulation model of product / production system development process. But the building of this model has to be easier. That is why we propose in this communication to construct macro-models: Petri net macro-models. Their particularisation enables to obtain the development process model of a case study, which is used for the assessment of development impact. In this paper, we develop the principles of the Petri net macro-models building and their particularisation to obtain the development process model. After these presentations, we detail an example.