For the most recent entries see the
Petri Nets Newsletter.
Chow, K.O.
Cheung, K.S.;
Cheung, T.Y.;
Chow, K.O.:
A Petri-Net-Based Synthesis Methodology for Use-Case-Driven System Design.
Cheung, K.S.;
Cheung, T.Y.;
Chow, K.O.:
A Petri-Net-Based Synthesis Methodology for Use-Case-Driven System Design.
Cheung, K.S.;
Chow, K.O.:
A Synthesis Approach to Deriving Object-Based Specifications from Object Interaction Scenarios.
Cheung, K.S.;
Chow, K.O.:
Cycle-Inclusion Property of Augmented Marked Graphs.
Cheung, K.S.;
Chow, K.O.:
Elimination of Duplicate Labels in Petri-Net-Based System Specification.
Cheung, K.S.;
Chow, K.O.:
Manufacturing System Design Using Augmented Marked Graph.
Cheung, K.S.;
Chow, K.O.;
Cheung, T.Y.:
Deriving Scenarios of Object Interaction Through Petri Nets.
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