In: Procs of the Fifth International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models (IEEE PNPM'93), IEEE Computer Society Press, Toulouse, France, pages 128-137. 1993.
Abstract: We use operational analysis techniques to partially characterize the behaviour of timed Petri nets under very weak assumptions on their timing semantics. New operational inequalities are derived that are typical of the presence of synchronization and that were therefore not considered in queueing network models. We show an interesting application of the operational laws to the statement and the efficient solution of problems related to the estimation of performance bounds insensitive to the timing probability distributions. The results obtained generalize and improve in a clear setting results that were derived in the last few years for several different subclasses of timed Petri nets. In particular the extension to Well-Formed Coloured nets appears straightforward and allows an efficient exploitation of models symmetries.