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Posets with Non-Actions: A Model for Concurrent Nondeterministic Processes.

Cherkasova, Ludmila

Arbeitspapiere der GMD Nr. 403, pages 1-64 pp.. St. Augustin: Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH, July 1989.

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to prospose a new model based on the poset with non-actions to describe the concurrent nondeterministic processes and investigate their properties. The author introduces some set of basic operations for specifying concurrent nondeterministic processes and proposes different semantics for them. Considering these operations as ones for building the structures of finite Petri nets, a so-called descriptive algebra (AFP0) emerges. However, considering the same operations supplied by AFP2 (AFP1) algebra semantics, the same formula specifies the behaviour of the net.

Keywords: poset (with) non-action; nondeterministic process; descriptive algebra; semantics.

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