In: Proceedings of Rensselaer's Second International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 1990, Troy, NY, USA, pages 74-81. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, 1990.
Abstract: Steady-state performance evaluation of some repetitive automated manufacturing systems previously modeled by means of stochastic or deterministic timed Petri nets is considered. Linear programming problems defined on the incidence matrix of the underlying Petri nets are used to compute tight upper and lower bounds for the performance measures of job-shop systems and decision-free kanban systems in polynomial time on the net structure. The results can be extended to other models in which some decisions are allowed. Exact performance measures for a class of systems containing sequential processes can be computed in polynomial time.
Keywords: steady-state performance evaluation (of) repetitive automated manufacturing systems; linear programming; incidence matrix; job-shop system; kanban system.