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Discriminating Fault Rate and Persistency to Improve Fault Treatment.

Bondavalli, A.; Chiaradonna, S.; Di Giandomenico, F.; Grandoni, F.

In: Proc. 27th IEEE FTCS - International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, Seattle, USA, pages 354-362. 1997.

Abstract: In this paper the consolidate identification of faults, distinguished as transient or permanent/intermittent, is approached. Transient faults discrimination has long been performed in commercial systems: threshold-based techniques have been practiced for several years for this purpose. The present work aims to contribute to the usefulness of the count-and-threshold scheme, through the analysis of its behaviour and the exploration of its effects on the system. To this goal, the scheme is mechanized as a device named a-count, endowed with a few controllable parameters. a-count tries to balance between two conflicting requirements: to keep in the system those components that have experienced just transient faults; and to remove quickly those affected by permanent or intermittent faults. Analytical models are derived, allowing detailed study of a-count's behaviour; the actual evaluation, in a range of configurations, is performed by standard tools, in terms of the d! elay in spotting faulty components and the probability of improperly blaming correct ones.

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