In: Colombo, A.G.; et al.: Systems Reliability Assessment. Proceedings of the Ispra Course, 1988, Madrid, Spain, pages 103-143. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer, 1990.
Abstract: The paper introduces the formalism of Petri nets (PNs) with particular emphasis on the application of the methodology in the area of the performance and reliability modelling and analysis of systems. The quantitative analysis of the behaviour of systems in time requires the superposition of a stochastic timing mechanism to the classical representation of PN. Timed Petri nets and, in particular, stochastic Petri nets are the subject of the second part of the paper. The goal of the paper is to show that the proposed methodology based on the PN formalism can be conveniently used as a user-friendly language to represent and evaluate complex stochastic systems.
Keywords: system modelling; performance (and) reliability modelling; stochastic net; complex stochastic system.