Report LRI--527. Univ. de Paris-Sud, Centre d'Orsay, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, November 1989.
Abstract: PAPETRI is an environment for editing and analysing Petri nets. PAPETRI allows to work with several classes of nets. Several utilities are available for each of these classes. The kernel of PAPETRI is the graphical and interactive editor, PETRIX. Five analysis tools are available: a graphical simulator of Petri nets, constructors of covering graphs, a generator of semi-flows (COMBAG), and an approach using rewriting techniques (PETRIREVE), a verifier, analyst and simulator of algebraic nets (VAERA). Each of these tools, as well as PETRIX, is detailed in the paper.
Keywords: net editor PAPETRI; net editor PETRIREVE; net editor VAERA; net simulation; covering graphs constructor; semi-flow generator; algebraic net.