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Asfour, T.
Asfour, T.;
Serhrouchni, A.:
RMTP Performance in Heterogeneous Environments and a New QoS-based Mechanism for Building RMTP Trees.
Asfour, T.;
Serhrouchni, A.:
The Coexistence of Multicast and Unicast over a GPS Capable Network.
Asfour, T.;
Block, S.;
Serhrouchni, A.;
Tohmé, S.:
Contractual Group Membership CGM: A New Mechanism for Multicast Group Management (a simulation with ns).
Asfour, T.;
Block, S.;
Serhrouchni, A.;
Tohmé, S.:
A New Mechanism for Heterogeneous Multicast Group Management.
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