In: Microprocessing and Microprogramming, Vol. 30, No. 1--5; Proceedings of the Sixteenth EUROMICRO Symposium on Microprocessing and Microprogramming (EUROMICRO 90), 1990, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pages 545-553. August 1990.
Abstract: An integrated environment, called System Design Workbench (SDW), is under development. SDW is a collection of tools oriented to system specification acquisition, analysis and mapping to alternative architectures. The behavioral description model is based on the Occam 2 language. The innovative idea in SDW is to explore the design space mainly at the behavioral specification level by symbolic processing. Transformation and synthesis tasks are controlled by a performance-driven strategy based on timed Petri nets. Hardware versus software tradeoffs are considered in the translation.
Keywords: interactive design environment; timed net; Occam 2 language; design tool; symbolic processing; behavioural specification; specification tool.