In: Proc. 9th IFAC Symp. on Information Control in Manufacturing (INCOM'98), 24-26 June 1998, Nancy-Metz, France, Vol. 2, pages 275-280. 1998.
Abstract: Qualitative analysis of dynamic systems predicts and explains the behavior of systems in qualitative terms. The ability to reason about the dynamic behavior at the qualitative level is essential to perform tasks such as modeling, analyzing and designing dynamic control systems. This paper shows how qualitative reasoning, bond graphs and colored Petri nets are incorporated. Bond graph is used to represent the dynamic behavior of the system, It is a good model for qualitative analysis. The obtained model is transformed into a hierarchical colored Petri net. Then quantitative analysis is performed with a set of rules defined using a functional language CPN-ML. A pressure-regulator example illustrates the principles of this approach.
Keywords: CPN-ML, bond graphs, colored Petri nets, discrete-event simulation, qualitative modeling.