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Proiect: Limbaje Multiset

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Prof. Dr. Kudlek,
Prof. Dr. Carlos Martín Vide (Tarragona)
Dr. Victor Mitrana (Bukarest)
Dr. Gheorghe Păun (Bukarest)
Prof. Dr. László Kászonyi (Szombathely)
Dr. Antal Pukler (Győr)
Patrick Totzke, Student
Georg Zetzsche,

Durată: Lansat în 2000

Cuvinte cheie: Limbaje formale, Multiseturi, reţele Petri


Multiseturile şi limbajele multiset joacă un rol de bază în teoria reţelelor Petri şi în alte domenii de interes actuale. Cercetarea atributelor şi caracteristicilor limbajelor multiset, printre care ierarhia, caracteristicile algebrice, proprietăţile structurale, complexitatea, precum şi existenţa structurilor universale.


  1. Manfred Kudlek
    Rational, Linear and Algebraic Languages of Multisets
    (Pre-Proceedings of the Workshop on Multiset Processing (WMP'2000) ed. C. S. Calude, M. J. Dinneen, G. Păun, CDMTCS-140, pp. 138-148, 2000)
  2. Manfred Kudlek, Carlos Martín Vide, Gheorghe Păun
    Toward FMT (Formal Macroset Theory)
    (Pre-Proceedings of the Workshop on Multiset Processing (WMP'2000), ed. C. S. Calude, M. J. Dinneen, G. Păun, CDMTCS-140, pp. 149-158, 2000)
  3. Manfred Kudlek
    Algebraic Characterization of Multiset Languages over Different Multiset Structures
    (ROMJIST Vol. 4, Nrs. 1-2, pp. 125-134, 2001)
  4. Manfred Kudlek, Carlos Martín Vide, Gheorghe Păun
    Toward FMT (Formal Macroset Theory)
    (Multiset Processing, ed. C. Calude, Gh. Păun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, LNCS 2235, pp. 123-133, 2001)
  5. Manfred Kudlek, Victor Mitrana
    Normal Forms of Grammars, Finite Automata, Abstract Families, and Closure Properties of Macrosets
    (Multiset Processing, ed. C. Calude, Gh. Păun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, LNCS 2235, pp. 135-146, 2001)
  6. Manfred Kudlek, Victor Mitrana
    Closure Properties of Multiset Languages
    (Pre-proceedings of WS on Membrane Computing, eds. C. Martín Vide, Gh. Păun, Reports Universitat Rovira i Virgili, GRLMC, 17/01, pp. 157-168, 2001)
  7. Manfred Kudlek, Victor Mitrana
    Closure Properties of Multiset Language Families
    (FI, vol 49 (1-3), pp. 191-203, 2002)
  8. Sándor Horváth, Manfred Kudlek
    On Primitive Multisets
    (Proceedings of ASFSCUCT, RIMS Kokyuroku 1366, pp. 73-81, 2004)
  9. Manfred Kudlek, Victor Mitrana
    Some Considerations on a Multiset Model for Membrane Computing
    (Pre-proceedings of WMC-CdeA2002, eds. Gh. Păun, C. Zandron, MolCoNet project - IST-2001-32008 Publication No. 1, pp. 311-315, 2002)
  10. László Kászonyi, Manfred Kudlek, Antal Pukler
    On Some Closure Properties of Semilinear Sets
    (Proceedings of ASFSCUCT, RIMS Kokyuroku 1366, pp. 100-110, 2004)
  11. Manfred Kudlek, Victor Mitrana
    Considerations on a Multiset Model for Membrane Computing
    (In: Membrane Computing, eds. Gh. Păun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, C. Zandron, LNCS 2597, pp. 352-359, 2003)
  12. Manfred Kudlek
    On Probabilistic Petri Nets
    (Proceedings of CS&P'2004, eds. G. Lindemann, H.-D. Burkhard, L. Czaja, A. Skowron, H. Schlingloff, Z. Suraj, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Informatik-Bericht Nr. 170, vol. 1, pp. 63-68, 2004)
  13. Manfred Kudlek
    Probability in Petri Nets
    (FI vol. 67 (1-3), pp. 121-130, 2005)
  14. Manfred Kudlek
    On the Possibility of Quantum Vector Addition Systems
    (Proceedings CS&P'05, ed. L. Czaja, pp. 291-298, 2005)
  15. Manfred Kudlek
    On Quantum Vector Addition Systems
    (FI vol 72 (1-3), pp. 255-261, 2006)
  16. Roxana Dietze, Manfred Kudlek, Olaf Kummer
    On Decidability Problems of a Basic Class of Object Nets
    (FBI-Bericht 270/06, 11 p., III 2006)
  17. Roxana Dietze, Manfred Kudlek, Olaf Kummer
    On Decidability Problems of a Basic Class of Object Nets
    (Proc. CS&P'2006, eds. G. Lindemann, H. Schlingloff, H.-D. Burkhard, L. Czaja, W. Penczek, A. Salwicky, A. Skowron, Z. Suraj, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Informatik-Bericht Nr. 206,Vol. 1 Concurrency, pp. 38-46, 2006)
  18. Manfred Kudlek
    Semilinear Sets over Commutative Semirings
    (Proc. CS&P'2006, eds. G. Lindemann, H. Schlingloff, H.-D. Burkhard, L. Czaja, W. Penczek, A. Salwicky, A. Skowron, Z. Suraj, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Informatik-Bericht Nr. 206,Vol. 3 Programming, pp. 418-423, 2006)
  19. Manfred Kudlek, Roxana Dietze
    Subclasses of Minimal Based Object Nets with Decidable Reachability Problem
    (Proc. of AWPN'2006, ed. D. Moldt, FBI-Bericht 267/06, pp. 32-36, IX 2006)
  20. Manfred Kudlek
    On Semilinear Sets over Commutative Semirings
    (FI vol. 79 (3-4), pp. 447-452, 2007)
  21. Roxana Dietze, Manfred Kudlek, Olaf Kummer
    Decidability Problems of a Basic Class of Object Nets
    (FI vol. 79 (3-4), pp. 295-302, 2007)
  22. Manfred Kudlek
    Multisets and Petri Nets - An Overview
    (JCISS, vol. 33, no. 3-4, pp. 339-355, (2008)2009)
  23. Michael Köhler, Manfred Kudlek
    Zero-safe Nets with Debit Tokens
    (Proc. CS&P'2007, ed. L. Czaja, vol. 2, pp. 364-375, 2007)
  24. Michael Köhler-Bußmeier, Manfred Kudlek
    Linear Properties of Zero-safe Nets with Debit Tokens
    (FI, vol. 85 (1-4), pp. 329-342, 2008)
  25. Manfred Kudlek, Patrick Totzke, Georg Zetzsche
    Multiset Storage Automata
    (Proc. of CS&P'2008, eds. G. Lindemann, H.-D. Burkhard, L. Czaja, W. Penczek, A. Salwicky, H. Schlingloff, A. Skowron, Z. Suraj, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Informatik-Bericht Nr. 225, vol 2, pp. 265-277, 2008)
  26. Manfred Kudlek, Patrick Totzke, Georg Zetzsche
    Properties of Multiset Language Classes Defined by Multiset Storage Automata
    (Proc. of CS&P'2008, eds. G. Lindemann, H.-D. Burkhard, L. Czaja, W. Penczek, A. Salwicky, H. Schlingloff, A. Skowron, Z. Suraj, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Informatik-Bericht Nr. 225, vol 2, pp. 278-288, 2008)
  27. Manfred Kudlek, Patrick Totzke, Georg Zetzsche
    Multiset Pushdown Automata
    (FI, vol. 93 (1-3), pp. 221-233, 2009)
  28. Manfred Kudlek, Patrick Totzke, Georg Zetzsche
    Properties of Multiset Language Classes Defined by Multiset Pushdown Automata
    (FI, vol 93, (1-3), pp. 235-244, 2009)
  29. Manfred Kudlek, Patrick Totzke
    On a Hierarchy of Multiset Automata
    (Proc. CS{\&}P 2009, eds. L. Czaja, M. Szczuka, vol 1, pp. 327-336, 2009)

Ultima actualizare: 17:40 19-05-2011