International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering

Paris, France, June 22/23, 2009

Invited Speaker

Christophe Sibertin-Blanc (France)


The structure of a system may be described with three sorts of related elements: operations the performances of which make the system go from a consistent state to another one; active actors, or processors, that perform operations; passive entities that are involved in operation occurrences. The association of a processor, an operation and a list of entities defines an action. Each of these elements may be hierarchically refined and are subject to the type-instance distinction.
On the basis of a so defined structure, the behavior of a system is defined by a control structure that determines the possibility for an act - an action occurrence - to occur. The talk will show how Petri nets are well suited to define this control structure.
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TGI Informatik UHH
Daniel Moldt