Complete Overview of Petri Nets Tools Database
Entry last updated: 2002/5/3
Entry last validated: 2002/5/3
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- Simple Performance Analysis
- SunOS
- Solaris
- MS Windows NT
Tool Description
ALPHA/Sim is a general-purpose, graphical, discrete-event simulation
tool based on Petri nets. ALPHA/Sim allows the user to graphically
build a Petri net model, enter input data (timing delays, routing
rules, initial token populations, and other data) via integrated forms,
execute the Petri net simulation model, and view the simulation results.
The class of Petri nets modeled are stochastic, timed, attributed or
colored Petri nets.
Models can be built hierarchically, from the bottom up or the top down.
Models can be built without seeing or writing a single line of code.
ALPHA/Sim models can also be linked to external code; this code may be
written in any language that can be compiled on the host platform.
ALPHA/Sim automatically collects statistics on place populations,
delays, transition firing rates, and attributes. ALPHA/Sim has
been used in a wide number of applications including military command
and control, computer hardware systems, manufacturing systems, and
queueing systems.
Contact Information
Alan B. Evans, Bradford E. Rigby
50 Mall Road
Burlington, MA 01803-4562
Phone: +1 781 273 3388
Fax: +1 781 273 9345
Other Remarks
Implementing a Petri net model in ALPHA/Sim involves the following steps:
- Define your token types
Use the Token Type Edit Form to enter the token type names and define their attributes.
- Draw your model
Drag and drop icons from the palette to define the logical structure of the model.
- Add timing, routing, logic, and attribute value assignments
Use Place and Transition Forms to assign values to tokens and to define timing
parameters, queue disciplines, and branching rules based on probability, priority, or
expression evaluation.
- Specify statistics for collection
Enable statistics collection at any point in the model by selecting a check box
in the place or transition form. You can collect statistics on places, transitions, or
attributes. ALPHA/Sim supports aggregate, interval, and sample statistics.
- Define runs and replications
Use the Clock and Replications Forms to set the duration, number of replications,
and random number seeds.
- Debug your model
ALPHA/Sim automatically locates, lists, and describes errors in your model.
- Run your model
Select Run to begin model execution. Use the Statistics Windows to monitor statistics
during the run. The model can also be run in batch mode (graphics turned off).
Entry last updated: 2010/3/5
Entry last validated: 2010/3/5
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Interchange File Format
Tool Description
AlPiNA is a graphical editor and model checker for a class of
high-level Petri nets called Algebraic Petri Nets. Its main purpose is
to perform reachability checks on complex models.
AlPiNA is implemented as an Eclipse plugin. The user interface
was created using the EMP metamodeling approach. Thus, models are easy
to implement, without the need to know the underlying techniques
related to model checking performance.
The actual model checking is performed in an independent
engine, implemented in Java. It performs symbolic model checking based
on ΣDD, an efficient evolution in the Decision Diagrams
field, using novel techniques such as algebraic clustering and
algebraic unfolding. This allows to check models with very large state
Contact Information
Prof. Didier Buchs
Computer Science Department
University of Geneva
7 route de Drize, B‚t. A,
CH-1227 Carouge
Phone: 0041 22 37 90 161
Fax: 0041 22 37 90 250
Other Remarks
This program is free software, it can be redistributed and/or
modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
Entry last updated: 2008/11/14
Entry last validated: 2008/11/14
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Fast Simulation
- State Spaces
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Structural Analysis
- Simple Performance Analysis
Tool Description
ARP stands for "Analisador de Redes de Petri", the portuguese translation for Petri Net Analyser. It's a tool for PN analysis and simulation written in Turbo Pascal 6 for MS-DOS.
It accepts the following Petri net models:
- Place/transition nets (numeric markings, no time information);
- Timed nets (firing intervals [tmin, tmax] associated to transitions);
- Extended timed nets (probability function associated to firing intervals).
It offers the following analysis modules:
- Reachability graph generation and analysis
- Place/transition invariant analysis
- Verification of the equivalence between the state graph and a user given automata
- Performance evaluation
- Step-by-step simulation
Contact Information
Prof. Carlos Maziero, Dr.
Graduate Program in Computer Science
Catholic University of Parana
Rua Imaculada Conceicao, 1155
Curitiba PR 80.215-901
Other Remarks
Full Pascal source files are available under the GNU GPL License in the tool website.
Entry last updated: 2003/3/11
Entry last validated: 2002/5/8
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial (discounts for academic institutions)
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Object-oriented PNs
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- Structural Analysis
- Advanced Performance Analysis
- Sun, SunOS
- Silicon Graphics, IRIX
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
Tool Description
Artifex is a powerful modeling and simulation environment supporting the design of discrete event systems.
Artifex has an intuitive graphical language that visually describes the system dynamic behavior, supported by a comprehensive design environment for both discrete event simulation and real time software development.
Artifex is ideal for the design and simulation of:
- communication networks
- switching equipment
- protocols
and for exploration and validation of a wide variety of schemes for buffering, packet classification, congestion control, protection and restoration, scheduling algorithms and policies, ASIC architectures, optical networks and more.
Contact Information
RSoft Design Group, Inc.
200 Executive Blvd.
Ossining, NY 10510
Phone: +1 (914) 923-2164
Fax: +1 (914) 923-2169
Other Remarks
Artifex modeling and simulation environment supports all four key activities of the iterative model development cycle:
-- Model
Express complex system architectures by drawing and connecting components to define message-flows.
Visually describe the dynamic behavior of each component with a high-level Petri Net language that allows inclusion of C or C++ data definitions and algorithms.
Radical improvements and changes to models can be made quickly and on a safe ground at each modeling step.
-- Validate
Control full system behavior, by checking the multi-window visual animation of the model and steering the simulation with conditional breakpoints and step-by-step execution.
Sample data for further analysis or inspect and modify it to test alternative scenarios.
Unveil logical flaws and eliminate system hidden pitfalls.
-- Measure
Review simulation results to get quantitative information on system behavior and to assess its performance.
Represent pre-calculated or user-defined custom metrics thus allowing great flexibility.
Export recorded data for external tool analysis.
Perform coverage analysis to ensure the test has been exhaustive.
-- Report
Add comments anywhere in the model/design.
Generate automatic on-line HTML documentation to check system behavior, to track changes and to provide consistent report updates throughout the whole design process.
Facilitate knowledge flow and exchange, as well as design maintenance, thanks to an intuitive understanding of the system behavior.
Artifex offers 2 additional tools that enable system designers to generate stand-alone software and handle complex data structures:
-- Deploy
Implement simulators, stand-alone or multi-process distributed applications.
Map objects on one or more processes and generate software without any additional effort.
Manage automatic inter-process communication.
Use local IPC mechanisms to communicate with local processes through TCP, UPD or DCOM.
Customize communication layers to generate code compliant with specific requirements like Corba or other IPC protocols.
-- Data
Describe complex data structures of the system and their relationships with Entity-Relationship diagrams.
Perform attribute definition in C or C++ to fully exploit the easy and powerful high-level query language, allowing dynamic data manipulation in any part of the model.
Entry last updated: 2010/3/5
Entry last validated: 2010/3/5
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Object-oriented PNs
- High-level Petri Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- Code generation
Tool Description
CoopnBuilder is an environment composed of a set of tools
destinated to the support of concurrent software development based on
the CO-OPN language. CO-OPN is an object-oriented specification
language based on synchronized algebraic Petri nets. This language
allows the definition of active concurrent objects, and includes
facilities for sub-typing, sub-classing and genericity. A coordination
language is included in CO-OPN that permits the definition of the
various sub-components defining the system under development.
Contact Information
Prof. Didier Buchs
Computer Science Department
University of Geneva
7 route de Drize, B‚t. A,
Office 217
CH-1227 Carouge
Phone: 0041 22 37 90 161
Fax: 0041 22 37 90 250
Other Remarks
Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
Entry last updated: 2004/7/21
Entry last validated: 2004/7/21
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial (discounts for academic institutions)
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Workflow Management System
- Sun, SunOS
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows 98
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
- Java
Tool Description
COSA BPM is a suite covering the design, documentation, analysis, execution and monitoring of business processes. The engine is based on high level, time coloured petri-nets but besides structured processes also fit for semi-structured and ad-hoc processes.
COSA is used in many commercial and public organisations and also includes a Document Management and a Records Management module.
Contact Information
Sybrand Jongejans
Havenweg 24
4131 NM Vianen
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 347 324 624
Fax: +31 347 324 634
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2015/11/18
Entry last validated: 2015/11/18
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Stochastic Symmetric Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Fast Simulation
- Interchange File Format
- Rare Event Simulation
- PC, Linux
- Macintosh, Mac OS X
Tool Description
COSMOS is a statistical model checker for Hybrid Automata Stochastic Logic (HASL). HASL uses Linear Hybrid Automata (LHA), a generalization of Deterministic Timed Automata (DTA), to describe accepting execution paths of a Discrete Event Stochastic Process (DESP), a class of stochastic models which includes, but is not limited to, Markov chains. As a result, HASL verification turns out to be a unifying framework where sophisticated temporal reasoning is naturally blended with elaborate reward-based analysis. COSMOS takes as input a DESP (described in terms of a Generalized Stochastic Petri Net), a LHA and an expression Z representing the quantity to be estimated. It returns a confidence interval estimation of Z. COSMOS is written in C++ and is freely available to the research community. It is jointly developped by searchers of LSV and LACL and was partially supported by the ANR project Check-bound .
Contact Information
Benoit Barbot
LACL, UniversitÈ Paris-Est CrÈteil Val de Marne
61 avenue du GÈnÈral de Gaulle
94010 CrÈteil Cedex
Phone: Remember country code
Fax: Remember country code
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2010/11/15
Entry last validated: 2010/11/15
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Fast Simulation
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Structural Analysis
- Interchange File Format
- Services for Moduar Modeling
- PC, Linux
- Macintosh, Mac OS
Tool Description
CPN-AMI 3.5 is the Petri net based Software engineering
environment designed at the "Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6"
Université Pierre & Marie Curie, France. CPN-AMI is
built on top of FrameKit:
a generic platform for the implementation of software engineering
The last version runs on PC/Linux (Mandrake or Redhat)
and now also on Mac/MacOS (version 10.5.x or later). It
requires a Macintosh for the user interface. The Petri net dialect in
(Well Formed Colored Petri nets with syntactic constraints). CPN-AMI
proposes about 60 services dedicated to the modeling and
verification of systems by means of Petri nets:
- new-> IDDMC, a new model
checker based on Interval Decision Diagram (from
the IDD-MC tool),
- new-> ZBDDMC, a new model
checker based on Zero-suppressed Binary Decision Diagram (from
the IDD-MC tool),
- new-> Definition of different
strategies of Static Variable Ordering (and in a Hierarchical way for
PNSDD and PNITS). These are to be use in our Decision Diagram based model
checkers (PNSDD, PNITS, ZBDDMC, IDDMC). These strategies were developed i
n the context of the
Neoppod project:
- PaToH : Variable ordering using hyper-graph partionning. Each partition is then used as a hierarchy module,
- NOA99 + PaToH : Pre-variable ordering with NOA99 and then we create hierarchy by using PaToH
- PF1 + N-Cut-Naive : Pre-variable ordering with Pre-Firing P/T Net (flatten order) and then we create hierarchy by using N-Cut-Naive
- PF2 + N-Cut-Naive : Pre-variable ordering with Pre-Firing P/T Net (flatten order) and then we create hierarchy by using N-Cut-Naive
- FORCE + N-Cut-Naive : Using FORCE Heuristics (flat order) and then we create hierarchy by using N-Cut-Naive
- PISH : Partially Identical Sequence Heuristic
- NOA99 + N-Cut-Naive : Pre-variable ordering with NOA99 and then we create hierarchy by using N-Cut-Naive Hierarchy
PF1 and PF2 are two pre-firing strategies that help us to find "good" ordering to elaborate our Petri Net encoding into decision diagrams.
PaToH is a ordering strategy based on hypergraphs (use of the PaToH tool).
- updated->
Coloane User interface as an Eclipse plug-in enabling the use of
CPN-AMI on Linux (both user interface and tool server) and Windows
(user interface with access on a remote tool server),
- updated->
support of the PNML format (standard ISO/IEC 15909) with both export
and import function for P/T nets,
- The Graphical User Interface : Macao
- assembling of modular nets
- integration of
- The AMI-Net
syntax checker
- Colored Petri Net flow analysis,
- P/T logic formulae over marking,
- Structural invariants with GreatSPN,
(developed by the Universities of Torino and Genova, Italy),
- Petri net Beautifier (rely on dot,
from AT&T Bell Labs),
- BDD based analysis,
- Linear
- Prefix (Computation of a Branching Process according to the
algorithm of Esparza, Vogler and Römer). This service is also
available in PEP,
a Petri net based modelling environment,
- Analysis of
the reachability graph with PROD
(version 3.3.08 from the University of Helsinki),
- Computation
of bounds for places in a P/T net,
- Computation of invariants on colored Petri nets using the
coresponding unfoleded P/T net,
- Computation
of bounds for places in a colored net by unfolding,
- services for basic assembling of Petri net modules (place
fusion or transition fusion),
- suppression of 0-bounded places and transitions having such
places in input (P/T nets).
To get CPN-AMI, please click here.
CPN-AMI is free of charges for university and non profit
organizations. For more administrative information on CPN-AMI,
please contact cpn-ami[at]
Contact Information
Fabrice Kordon
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6)
4 place Jussieu
75252 Paris Cedex 05
Phone: +33 1 44 27 61 89
Fax: +33 1 44 27 74 05
Other Remarks
CPN Tools
Entry last updated: 2006/4/25
Entry last validated: 2006/4/25
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- State Spaces
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Interchange File Format
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
Tool Description
CPN Tools is a widespread tool for editing, simulating and
analysing Coloured Petri Nets. The GUI of CPN Tools was designed in
cooperation with leading HCI experts and is based on advanced
interaction techniques. Feedback facilities provide contextual error
messages and indicate dependency relationships between net
elements. The tool features incremental syntax checking and code
generation which take place while a net is being constructed. A fast
simulator efficiently handles both untimed and timed nets. Full and
partial state spaces can be generated and analysed, and a standard
state space report contains information such as boundedness properties
and liveness properties. By means of a simple query language it is
possible to specify and check system-specific properties.
The tool also provides support for simulation-based performance
CPN Tools has replaced the Design/CPN tool. Models can be
transferred from Design/CPN to CPN Tools by means of an XML-based text
format. The format resembles the upcoming standardized exchange format
for (high-level) Petri Nets, and when the standard reaches a more
stable state, support for this exchange format is planned.
Contact Information
Kurt Jensen
Department of Computer Science
University of Aarhus
IT-parken, Aabogade 34
DK-8200 Aarhus N
Phone: +45 8942 5612
Fax: +45 8942 5601
Other Remarks
The development of CPN Tools started in 1999 and will continue
over the next years. A total effort of approximately five man-years
per year are invested in the tool.
The development has been supported by the Danish National
Centre for IT-Research, Hewlett-Packard, Nokia Research Center,
Microsoft Research Limited, and George Mason University.
Disc Software Platform
Entry last updated: 2013/3/10
Entry last validated: 2013/3/10
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Structural Analysis
- Interchange File Format
- Workflow Management System
- Silicon Graphics, IRIX
- PC, MS Windows XP
Tool Description
The software platform aims to integrate, along with other existing tools
suggested by the partners, the algorithms developed during the course of the project. Its
purpose is twofold:
- providing a packaged tool which would facilitate transfer of these techniques to end-users;
- allowing the user to compare different methodologies and tools.
To ensure a broad dissemination of the Software Platform among academia and industry, the
following features are required :
- releasing the software as open source;
- interfacing to standard DES modeling and analysis tools;
- allowing for import/export of files from/to different tools;
- providing the software platform with a uniform user interface.
Contact Information
Luca Contini
Akhela s.r.l.
6a Strada Ovest Z.I. Macchiareddu
Uta 09010
Phone: +3907024661502
Fax: Remember country code
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2011/4/21
Entry last validated: 2011/4/21
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- New types can be plugged in
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- State Spaces
- Model checker (for P/T nets); new functionality can be plugged in
- Eclispe (Galileo or later)
Tool Description
The ePNK is a platform for Petri net tools based on the PNML
transfer format. Its main idea is to provide generic Petri net types,
which can be easily plugged into it, and to provide a simple generic
GMF editor, which can be used for graphically editing nets of any
plugged in type.
Additional functionality can be plugged in. The ePNK is
implemented based on the eclipse platform, and runs on all hardware
platforms supporting eclipse.
The current version of the ePNK is 0.9, which fully supports
PNML and all the Petri net types defined in the International Standard
ISO/IEC 15909-2.
As suggested by the version number, the ePNK is stabilizing
now, but still needs some polishing.
Contact Information
Ekkart Kindler
Technical University of Denmark
DTU Informatics
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Phone: +45 4525 3750
Fax: +45 4525 2673
Other Remarks
The purpose of the ePNK is not so much providing
functionality. Its purpose is to make it easy to
develop and deploy new Petri net types and
new functionality in a uniform way.
Entry last updated: 2003/5/2
Entry last validated: 2004/5/18
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial (discounts for academic institutions)
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
- Hierarchy in modelling
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Advanced Performance Analysis
- Rapid Prototyping
- Workflow Management System
- Simulation engine available as COM component
Tool Description
ExSpect is a powerful business tool giving organizations the ability to model, monitor and analyze business processes effectively and efficiently.
By tracking work loads and flows of money and goods you can use ExSpect to determine the service level of your organization. ExSpect offers the potential for every conceivable kind of simulation and so helps you reach decisions on cost reductions and large-scale infrastructure investment programme's.
ExSpect has a full-graphic user-interface and a sound formal basis, developed in close cooperation with Eindhoven University of Technology, since 1980. ExSpect users are able to build executable models with ease and speed. Changing developed models is an even simpler matter, since a library of building blocks is automatically generated during development. An advantage of ExSpect is that it is possible to use application libraries specifically prepared for particular fields. Libraries are available for workflow, logistics, administrative processes and more specific business situations.
Bakkenist ExSpect offers you a complete helpdesk where your questions are answered. A total service package, including various standard and specially tailored courses plus a workshop are available. Where desired, staff from Bakkenist ExSpect can assist you in developing your business applications.
Contact Information
Deloitte & Touche
The Netherlands
ATTN: P.J.N. de Crom
Phone: +31 20 4547500
Fax: +31 20 4547555
Other Remarks
Members of department of Mathematics and Computing Science of the Eindhoven University of Technology participate in the development of ExSpect.
Entry last updated: 2004/6/3
Entry last validated: 2004/6/3
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial (discounts for academic institutions)
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Rapid Prototyping
- Workflow Management System
- case handling system
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- Java
Tool Description
FLOWer is a sophisticated Case handling / workflow management system. It is data driven and very flexible in handling exceptions. FLOWer offers direct support for most workflow patterns and indirect support for the other patterns. Distribution and work allocation is strictly seperated from the process flow, thus enabling real-time changes in distribution an dtask assignment, without the need to change the petrinet process flow.
FLOWer includes a form editor, database mapping, pre- and post conditions, transition based triggers and skip- en redo functions, including redo compensation.
Contact Information
John Hoogland
Pallas Athena
Piet Joubertstraat 4
7300 AS Apeldoorn
PO box 747
730 AS Apeldoorn
Phone: +31-55-3685300
Fax: +31-55-3685311
Other Remarks
Fluid Survival Tool
Entry last updated: 2014/7/9
Entry last validated: 2014/7/9
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Advanced Performance Analysis
Tool Description
Hybrid Petri nets with a general one-shot transition (HPNG) allow to model systems with discrete and continuous quantities that follow mainly deterministic characteristics. An efficient partitioning for the underlying state-space of such Petri nets has been presented, namely the so-called Stochastic Timed Diagram (STD). This partitioning allows to compute the probability distribution to be in a certain state at a certain time in a very efficient way and avoiding discretization. Algorithms for model checking Stochastic Timed Logic (STL) allow to efficiently check complex and nested properties on the underlying STD. A probability operator is used to lift the logic which reasons on STDs to the level of the HPNG.
This tool allows to model HPNGs. The system generates with an input STL formula, using the region-based techniques of STDs, a verdict for a specific time or produces a probability distribution.
Contact Information
B.F. Postema
University of Twente
Hallenweg 19
7522 NH Enschede
The netherlands
Phone: +31534893885
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2003/5/18
Entry last validated: 2004/5/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial (discounts for academic institutions)
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- State Spaces
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Structural Analysis
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Advanced Performance Analysis
Tool Description
F-nets is new Petri Nets based research method that
intended to simulate computer systems and computer complexes
operation. F-nets also can simulate other parallel processing
discrete systems.
Petri Nets simulation software "Petri Nets for Windows"
based on F-nets. It also can operate with standart (classic)
Petri Nets, timed Petri Nets or E-nets.
"Petri Nets for Windows" software ensures:
- create and edit F-nets simulation model in graphical
mode using mouse and window graphic tools;
- save models as files and load previously saved
models from disk files;
- support libraries of F-nets models with help systems and
descriptions for each ones;
- automaticaly create a large complex models from a set of
simple models or a model library;
- simulate F-nets in step-by-step mode to debug models and
to view the F-nets functionality;
- simulate F-nets in quick automatic mode to collect
amount of model's statistic information;
- save model's statistic information in text files (in
tab-separeted format) for future use in other software tools;
- save one page image of model on Windows clipboard to
print or view it in other software;
- formal analyse F-nets or Petri nets based systems (using
stantart and authorized analysis methods) - additional feature.
"Petri Nets for Windows" software can contains the next
- F-nets simulation programm with help system (how to use
this software);
- Petri Nets and F-nets theory help system with nets
examples and some teaching tools;
- Simple model libraries with libraries help systems and
Contact Information
Molchanov Alexey
Fort-Inform Ltd.
27 (building 12B), Engelsa st., St.Petersburg, Russia
Molchanov Alexey
St.-Petersburg State Academy of Aerospace
Instrument Making
B.Morskaya, 67, 190000 St.Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 326-3831
Fax: +7 (812) 326-3831 or +7 (812) 554-0387
Other Remarks
The price of this software is depended of using software
components configuration. F-nets simulation programm and
software libraries is the only one component that required to
use this software without fail. This is the minimal
configuration. All other software components are optional. Full
software configuration includes all components.
Entry last updated: 2003/5/2
Entry last validated: 2004/5/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial (free for academic institutions)
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
Tool Description
GDToolkit is a software library for automatic
layout (automatic graph drawing). It can draw several types
of diagrams, including Petri Nets.
Contact Information
GDToolkit team
Dipartimento di Informatica e Automazione
Universita' di Roma Tre
via della Vasca Navale 79
00146 ROMA - ITALY
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2006/5/16
Entry last validated: 2006/5/16
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
Tool Description
Geist3D is a real-time 3D graphics engine complete with an
integrated development environment. It supports a combination of
Python scripts and Petri Nets as programming language for virtual
environments. All the features of Geist3D include:
- Interactive scene design using 3D graphical manipulators
- Python scripting interface and source code editor
- Event-driven programming language using Petri Nets
- OpenGL 2.0 Shading Language source code editor
- Real-time rigid body physics engine (Open Dynamics Engine)
- Height and gradient fields
- Keyboard, mouse and collision sensors
- Recording to .mpeg and .avi movies
- .3DS file support
Contact Information
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2015/4/8
Entry last validated: 2015/4/8
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Simple Performance Analysis
Tool Description
GHENeSys stands for General Hierarchical Enhanced Net System, and takes as a goal to provide an implementation of a unified net system, that is, a system that follows the standard ISO/IEC 15.909 and work further in the level III of this standard: the extensions.
For extensions we have the inclusion of hierarchy, time slice, and time intervals (as propose by Merlin). Some new concepts as "pseudo-boxes" to represent observable but not controlled events was also included. The general idea is that all extensions could fit in the general model and definitions.
A model checking package was also developed and will be attached to the system very soon. Find more information and download the tool in
Contact Information
Name Jos‰ Reinaldo Silva
Company/Institution University of Sƒo Paulo
Street Rua Prof. Mello Morais, 2231, Cidade Universitßria, 05508-030
City/State/ Sƒo Paulo, SP
Country Brazil
Phone: +55-11-3091-5688
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2018/8/22
Entry last validated: 2018/8/22
Tool homepage:
Tool availability:
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- State Spaces
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Structural Analysis
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Advanced Performance Analysis
Tool Description
GPenSIM runs on MATLAB platform. GPenSIM is designed with three specific goals: 1) Modeling, simulation, performance analysis, and control of real-world discrete event systems, 2) A tool that is easy to use and extend, and 3) Allowing Petri net models to be integrated with other MATLAB toolboxes (e.g., Fuzzy Logic, Control systems).
Contact Information
Reggie Davidrajuh
University of Stavanger
Phone: 51831700
Fax: 51831700
Other Remarks
Information that does not otherwise fit into the form above.
Please keep the remarks to at most 15 lines (approx. 200
(HTML tags are accepted.)
Entry last updated: 2003/5/8
Entry last validated: 2004/5/25
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial (free for academic institutions)
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Structural Analysis
- Advanced Performance Analysis
- Sun
- Linux
- Solaris on PCs and Sun workstations
Tool Description
GreatSPN is a software package for the modeling, validation,
and performance evaluation of distributed systems using
Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets and their colored
extension: Stochastic Well-formed Nets. The tool provides
a friendly framework to experiment with timed Petri net
based modeling techniques. It implements efficient
analysis algorithms to allow its use on rather complex
applications, not only toy examples.
Contact Information
Giuliana Franceschinis
Dipartimento di Informatica
Universit€ di Torino
Corso Svizzera 185
10149 Torino
Phone: +39 011 6706710
Fax: +39 011 751603
Other Remarks
Download a license agreement from the tool home page.
Entry last updated: 2005/7/28
Entry last validated: 2005/7/28
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- Net Reductions
Tool Description
Helena is a High LEvel Nets Analyzer. It is part of the Quasar project, a framework for the verification of concurrent Ada software. Helena is totally free of charge and can be downloaded from our web site. It is written in portable Ada and available under the term of the GPL.
The high level formalism of Helena makes it adapted for the verification of software specification. Some features of the tool makes it particularly efficient in terms of memory management.
To tackle the state explosion problem, Helena implements structural abstraction techniques and the stubborn set method.
Helena can also exports nets to the following formalism : tina, lola, and prod.
Contact Information
Mr Sami Evangelista
292 rue Saint-Martin
F-75141 Paris Cedex 03
Phone: +33 140272049
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2003/5/2
Entry last validated: 2004/5/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Stochastic Petri Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- State Spaces
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Advanced Performance Analysis
- Interchange File Format
Tool Description
HiQPN-Tool is a tool to specify and analyze
Hierarchically combined Queueing Petri nets (HQPNs), a
class of combined Petri net and queueing network modeling
HiQPN-Tool supports a hierarchical model specification in combination
with qualitative and quantitative (performance) analysis, which
massively profits from the hierarchical specification.
Contact Information
Informatik IV
University of Dortmund
D-44221 Dortmund
Phone: +49 231-755-4893
Fax: +49 231-755-4730
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2007/1/17
Entry last validated: 2007/1/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
- Hybrid Petri Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
Tool Description
This tool allows the user to create and simulate Hybrid Petri
Nets using a GUI. The HPN implementation follows Demongodin and
Koussoulas' definition of Differential Petri Nets, and additionally
incorporates inhibitory and test arcs.
Contact Information
Alberto Amengual
International Computer Science Institute
1947 Center St, Suite 600.
Berkeley, CA, 94704
Phone: Remember country code
Fax: Remember country code
Other Remarks
This tool has been developed under the ICSI Fellowship for
Spanish Technologists, funded by the Education and Science Ministry of
Entry last updated: 2003/9/15
Entry last validated: 2003/9/15
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- Simple Performance Analysis
- PC, MS Windows 95
- PC, MS Windows 98
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
Tool Description
HPSim has a graphical editor which provides basic editing
and simulation of Petri Nets. The tool is useful for
beginners such as students in order to get familiar with
Petri Nets.
The program supports Place/Transition Nets:
Places with limited capacity
- different edge types with weights
- timed transitions
The editor supports:
- graphic objects can be positioned, moved, and deleted
- text and geometrical objects available for annotations
- zoom function
- print function
Contact Information
Henryk Anschuetz
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2018/8/22
Entry last validated: 2018/8/22
Tool homepage:
Tool availability:
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
- Probabilistic Petri Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Fast Simulation
- PC, MS Windows XP
- PC, MS Windows 7/10
Tool Description
The HSTPNSim software is designed based on the HSTPN theory, which can realize modeling, operation, data display and saving function, the specific description is as follows:
i. The software provides the symbols including five kinds of places, transition and directed arc in the module selection area and achieves the HSTPN model by directly dragging the symbols;
ii. The parameters of the places including input and output variables and the generation probability of obstacles could be set after double-clicking the places;
iii. The differential equations describing the continuous process and the algorithms are written in the Lua script. It has the advantages of compact structure, complete function, easy expansion and convenient calling, thus it can effectively describe the continuous process and provides the extensible function of this software.
iiii. The module selection area also provides output interfaces to the matrix and to the file to achieve the results display of all variables and data storage with CSV format, which is easy to process in the future.
Contact Information
Guoli Bai,
Northeastern University,
NO. 3-11, Wenhua Road, Heping District,
Phone: +86 18842392347
Fax: Remember country code
Other Remarks
Information that does not otherwise fit into the form above.
Please keep the remarks to at most 15 lines (approx. 200
(HTML tags are accepted.)
Entry last updated: 2003/5/2
Entry last validated: 2004/5/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Net Reductions
- Structural Analysis
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Advanced Performance Analysis
- Interchange File Format
- CTL-based model checker
Tool Description
See INA homepage
Contact Information
Prof. Dr. Peter H. Starke
Institut f’r Informatik der Humboldt-Universit„t zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
D-10099 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 2093 3078
Fax: +49 (30) 2093 3081
Other Remarks
Versions running under Sun-OS, Sun-Solaris, Linux and Windows
are available on the
INA homepage
as well as the (English and German)
Income Suite
Entry last updated: 2004/5/26
Entry last validated: 2004/5/26
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial (free for academic institutions)
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- Workflow Management System
- Sun, SunOS
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
- Java
Tool Description
Income Process Designer is the core of the Income Suite. It is used to create, document, analyze, optimize and simulate business processes or monitor risks, targets or KPIs of a balanced scorecard in different operative systems. A complete and extensive business process model includes processes, resources, organizational structures, objectives, key figures, risks, process maps as well as product and performance catalogues. All aspects of your business processes are displayed in detail in clear, graphical models. Documents from different sources can be directly assigned to individual information modules.
Contact Information
Gaston Russi
Get Process AG
Rottmannsbodenstrasse 30
CH - 4102 Binningen / Basel
Phone: +41 61 425 95 22
Fax: +41 61 425 95 20
Other Remarks
additional components of the Income Suite:
Income Knowledge Browser
Income Simulator
Income Monitor
Income Document Center
Income Process Pilot
Languages: English, German, Spanish, Portugese, French, Italian, Lettish
Entry last updated: 2015/4/8
Entry last validated: 2015/4/8
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- State Spaces
- Interchange File Format
- Rapid Prototyping
- C and VHDL code generation
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
- Macintosh, Mac OS
- Macintosh, Mac OS X
- Web browser
Tool Description
The IOPT-Tools is a cloud-based tool-chain offering a complete set of Petri net tools with a web interface supporting digital embedded controllers development.
IOPT-nets (Input-Output Place-Transition Petri nets) are used as underlying Petri net class, supporting input and output signals and events, considering a maximal step and single server semantics, using a cycle accurate execution.
The tools include an interactive graphical Petri net editor, a simulator, a model-checking subsystem composed of a state-space generator, state-space visualization and a query system, and automatic code generation tools that produce software C code or VHDL hardware descriptions ready to be deployed into implementation platforms.
All interactive tools are executed directly in the user's Web Browser using AJAX principles, but file-storage and intensive processing operations are processed in the server, enabling the use of lightweight terminal equipment to access the tools, as simple as smart-phones or tablet computers.
Contact Information
Luis Gomes
Univ. Nova Lisboa / UNINOVA
Campus de Caparica - FCT-DEE
2829-516 Monte de Caparica
Phone: +351-212948336
Fax: +351-212948532
Other Remarks
ITS Tools
Entry last updated: 2016/6/23
Entry last validated: 2016/6/23
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows XP
- Macintosh, Mac OS X
Tool Description
ITS tools supports PNML compliant HLPN and P/T nets, as well as Time PN (in Tina or Romeo format) under discrete time assumptions. An eclipse based front-end allows to edit nets and compose them hierarchically.
ITS tools comes with a powerful symbolic checker supporting safety, CTL and LTL properties.
Contact Information
4 place Jussieu
Phone: Remember country code
Fax: Remember country code
Other Remarks
Competitor in PNMCC with good overall results, Petri nets are handled by translation to GAL, a simple but expressive language for concurrent systems.
Entry last updated: 2003/5/2
Entry last validated: 2004/5/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- State Spaces
- Interchange File Format
Tool Description
JARP is a Java based Petri tool for education, but with a complete set of features.
It can export Petri nets to PNG, GIF, JPEG, PPM and PNML (XML based) file format.
Other analysis can be made by exporting nets to ARP file format.
Support for English, French and Brazilian Portuguese included.
Help with the development is welcome. See the JARP project page for more information.
Contact Information
Ricardo Sangoi Padilha
Florianopolis, SC, Brazil
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2004/5/26
Entry last validated: 2004/5/26
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Object-oriented PNs
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- State Spaces
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Interchange File Format
Tool Description
Rakiura JFern - very lightweight Petri net framework
with the simulator, written in Java and designed purely for Java developers. Tokens: Java Objects. Inscription language: pure byte-code compiled Java. XML-based net file format.
Contact Information
Mariusz Nowostawski
University of Otago
PO BOX 56, Dunedin
New Zealand
Phone: +64 (3) 4798317
Fax: +64 (3) 4798311
Other Remarks
The latest release 3.0 provides support for graphical net construction and editing. Better hierarchical nets handling, better types (colours) of tokens handling, more intuitive inscriptions support, faster implementation, fussion places and page-based net decomposition, XML-based net structure and net layout (net and layout of the net seperated in different files). Net state file format to be provided soon.
Entry last updated: 2004/3/15
Entry last validated: 2004/3/15
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Structural Analysis
Tool Description
The project JPetriNet is a Petri Net modeling, analysis and simulation tool made in Java Programming Language. JPetriNet was previously intended to aid educational activities but also could be used in any other purpose involving concurrent systems.
Contact Information
Mßrcio Azevedo
Santa Rita do Sapuca, MG 37540-000
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2013/3/10
Entry last validated: 2013/3/10
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- Structural Analysis
Tool Description
Petri Nets can be used on the modeling and verification of several
operation system features such as concurrency and process synchronization,
conflict verification, resource sharing, among others. This tool, on-going
development, which allows describing and verifying Petri Nets with the support
of a graphical interface. This tool, based on the ARP, is being developed in
Java and employs modern object oriented techniques and design patterns. In this
way extensions to this tool, such as time constrains and the introduction of new
verification strategies can be easily plugged.
Contact Information
Felipe Lino
Univerisidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - Instituto de Matemßtica e Estatstica
Rio de Janeiro
Phone: Remember country code
Fax: Remember country code
Other Remarks
This tools is able to:
- Edit the Petri Net with Graphics
- Simulate
- Make Analisys
- Save the work
- Two languages: English and Portuguese.
Entry last updated: 2006/4/3
Entry last validated: 2006/4/3
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial (discounts for academic institutions)
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Workflow Management System
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
- Web Based
Tool Description
Web and Flo has created Kontinuum. A 100% Web based workflow
design studio and end user environment. Kontinuum uses a petri nets
to model workflow processes and displays these to end users to show
for each workflow instance what transitions have been made.
Contact Information
Web and Flo
Level 12 575 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Australia 3000
Phone: +61 3 9616 6250
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2013/12/13
Entry last validated: 2013/12/13
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Fast Simulation
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- Sun, SunOS
- Silicon Graphics, IRIX
- PC, Linux
- PC, OS/2
- PC, MS Windows 95
- PC, MS Windows 98
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
Tool Description
Reads a PT-net or HL net in simple syntax. Performs state
space analysis for boundedness, various, reachability queries,
reversibility, liveness, home states, deadlocks, dead
transitions, CTL model checking, and some LTL properties.
Uses various state space reduction techniques including
stubborn sets, symmetries, coverability graphs, the sweep-line
method and exploits knowledge about invariants.
Contact Information
Karsten Wolf
Universitaet Rostock, Institut fuer Informatik
Schwaansche Str. 2
18051 Rostock
Phone: +49-381-4987670
Fax: +49-381-4987642
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2004/5/17
Entry last validated: 2004/5/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Modular high-level nets
- Labelled state transition systems
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- State Spaces
- Modular state spaces
LTL model checker with fairness assumptions
Very high-level data types and operations
- Sun, SunOS 5.7 and 5.8 (32-bit and 64-bit)
- Digital, UNIX 4.0
- Silicon Graphics, IRIX 6.5 (32-bit and 64-bit)
- HP-UX 11.22
- NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows 95 and later
- Apple, Mac OS X 10.1
- Any system that supports C++
Tool Description
Maria is a reachability analyzer and a model checker
whose modelling formalism is based on Algebraic System Nets, capable
of handling tens of millions of reachable states and enabled
Maria includes a distributed algorithm for checking safety
properties. The algorithm can be executed on multi-processor
computers as well as on workstations in TCP/IP networks.
Optionally, nets can be unfolded or translated to transition
Thanks to its modular design and open source license
Maria can easily be extended with new algorithms.
Contact Information
Marko M„kel„
Timo Latvala
Laboratory for Theoretical Computer Science
P.O.Box 5400
02015 Helsinki University of Technology
Phone: +358 - 9 - 451 2895
Fax: +358 - 9 - 451 3369
Other Remarks
Maria is efficient both in interactive use and in
exhaustive reachability analysis, as it can both interpret models
directly and compile them to fast C code.
The graphical user interface of Maria is based on
Entry last updated: 2015/8/26
Entry last validated: 2015/8/26
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Transition Invariants
- Structural Analysis
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Advanced Performance Analysis
- Interchange File Format
Tool Description
Mercury provides graphical user interface for these modeling formalisms and a script language that allows using it through command-line interface and also integration with external applications. The set of features available in the Mercury tool make it helpful for dependability and performance evaluation of various systems Mercury is user friendly graphical tool that allows specifying and evaluating performance and dependability models. The proposed environment supports: Stochastic Petri Nets (SPN), Continuous Time Markov Chains (CTMC) , Reliability Block Diagrams (RBD), and Energy Flow Models (EFM).
Contact Information
Name: Paulo Maciel
Centro de Informatica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Av. Jornalista Anibal Fernandes, s/n - Cidade Universitaria (Campus Recife).
CEP 50.740-560
Recife, PE, Brazil
Phone: +55 (81) 2126 8430
Fax: +55 (81) 2126 8438
Phone: +55
Fax: +55
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2004/5/17
Entry last validated: 2004/5/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
- Coloured Petri Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Fast Simulation
- Sun, SunOS
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
Tool Description
Interactive Modelling and System Simulation by Petri Nets
¨ IXI Copyright 1992-1998
Contact Information
GFI Consulting
PŸle M‰thodes & Outils d'Analyse Systˆme
12, rue Rouget de Lisle
92130 Issy-Les-Moulineaux
E-mail :
T‰l : +33 (0)1 46 62 30 00
Fax : +33 (0)1 46 62 33 31
Phone: (+33) (0)1 46 62 30 06
Fax: (+33) (0)5 61 75 24 10
Other Remarks
MISS-RdP is a software tool developed by IXI in close relation with major industrials companies : AEROSPATIALE, ALCATEL, CENA (French Air Traffic Control), CNES (French Space Agency) and Research centers (CNRS/LAAS).
Based upon the Timed, Stochastic, Coloured and Hybrid Petri Net techniques, MISS-RdP computes operational performances statistics with Monte-Carlo Simulation.
The tool is particularly adapted to take into account Deterministic Events (decisions, delays,...) or Random Events (failures, repair times,...).
Thanks to Simulation, the typical restrictions encoutered with Stochastic Petri Nets are overcome.
So both transient and stationary period results can be provided with MISS-RdP.
Editing the model and to apply parameters without the inconveniences of a restricting syntax is easily accomplished thanks to the graph and ergonomic interface.
A concept of messages (conditions/actions related to transitions), which brings modularity and structure the model, is a determinant asset with regard to validation, evolutivity and potential re-use of the model.
A concept of states and events enables the model to be dissociated from the measures and observations resulting from the simulation, and facilitates the sensitivity analysis.
MISS-RdP has been used in many industrial application fields (aeronautics, defense, manufacturing, nuclear, aerospace, air traffic control, transport, process industry...) for more than 7 days.
Examples of use :
- Evaluation satellite constellation systems and grount segments performance : SkyBridge, WorldStar, Starsys, Egnos, Europe*Star (AEROSPATIALE, ALCATEL SPACE, CNES, EUMETSAT)
- Research of the best strategy of reconfiguration and exploitation of a Production System; Optimisation of Maintenance organisation (COGEMA,ESSILOR)
- Analysis and simulation of Hybrid Systems (continuous and discrete systems)
- Reliability and Safety studies (PEUGEOT SA, LABINAL/TURBOMECA, EUROCOPTER)
- Availability analysis (CENA, AEROSPATIALE)
MISS-RdP takes advantage of the mathematical and graphical power of Petri Nets (generic technique), and allows dynamic behaviours to be simulated.
The greatest interest of such a tool consists in the easy modelling of:
- task synchronization
- parallel activities
- shared resources
- timed phenomena (random events or delays)
- determinist as well as undeterminist phenomena.
MISS-RdP is generally used to assist with the definition (design) of:
- system architecture,
- industrial processes,
- logistic support processes
- exploitation (operation and maintenance) strategies.
MISS-RdP enables operational availability and exploitation costs calculation, and is very efficient for performing trade-off and sensitivity analysis. It is also used to help in the definition of spare parts and in the planning and scheduling of production.
The characteristics of MISS-RdP are particularly well suited to the analysis of industrial systems or processes that generally present:
- Redundant and reconfigurable architectures
- dynamic behaviours and parallel processes with timed tasks and synchronisms
- limited (and shared) resources to implement the functions and services
- failure risks
- degraded configurations...
MISS-RdP, developped in C++, is available on Unix (Solaris 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6) and PC (Windows 95, NT).
MISS-RdP results can be exploited through any external spreadsheet program.
MISS-RdP is available in english and french versions. A complete documentation is available including Installation Manual and User Manual.
A training course on Petri Nets is also proposed with exercices and industrial examples (1 or 3 days).
Based on Coloured Petri nets, MISS-RdP is particularly adapted to the modelling of the following :
- Individual identification of data (resources) which follow a same process:
- Various actions (processing) on data, depending on their characteristics
- Sequential processing (consideration of the order...)
- Change of data characteristics through an action
- Association / Dissociation of data.
The Hybrid modelling and simulation capacities of MISS-RdP are particularly well adapted to the modelling of production systems : modelling of interaction between the process (mainly continuous) and the control (mainly discontinuous). Thus, MISS-RdP is capable of being coupled with continuous simulators.
Such an hybrid simulator as Miss-RDP is well suited to support planning and scheduling activities in a production management environment, and to evaluate operational performances.
Some specific developments are performed by companies in order to integrate MISS-RdP into their System Analysis Workshop.
The main developments consist in :
- developing several libraries of generic elementary models
- developing interfaces to perform system modelling directly from existing libraries, without access to the Petri nets.
Entry last updated: 2013/2/26
Entry last validated: 2013/2/26
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Net Reductions
Tool Description
Our tool solves the coverability problem which is a weaker
version of reachability problem. The tool implements several
algorithms: forward/backward search of the state space using a
symbolic data structure (the IST library). On top of that, efficient
techniques have been implemented to tackle the state explosion
problem. Those includes abstraction-refinement techniques or efficient
traversal techniques of the state space.
Contact Information
Pierre Ganty
IMDEA Software Institute
Edificio IMDEA Software
Campus Montegancedo UPM
28223-Pozuelo de Alarcn, Madrid
Phone: +34-91-101-2202 ext 4106
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2010/9/3
Entry last validated: 2010/9/3
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- Place Invariants
- Net Reductions
- PC, Linux
- Macintosh, Mac OS X
Tool Description
Our tool solves the coverability problem which is a weaker
version of reachability problem. The tool implements several
algorithms: forward/backward search of the state space using a
symbolic data structure (the IST library). On top of that, efficient
techniques have been implemented to tackle the state explosion
problem. Those includes abstraction-refinement techniques or efficient
traversal techniques of the state space.
Contact Information
Pierre Ganty
The IMDEA Software Institute
Campus de Montegancedo s/n
Boadilla del Monte 28660, Madrid
Phone: +34-91-336-3742 ext 3325
Fax: Remember country code
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2013/3/10
Entry last validated: 2013/3/10
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial (free for academic institutions)
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- State Spaces
- Reachachability analysis, test generation
Tool Description
MISTA is a tool for generating executable tests from a model-implementation
description (MID), which consists of a test model, model-implementation mapping (MIM),
and helper code.
It uses lightweight high-level Petri nets as an expressive, visual modeling notation.
Both control-oriented and data-oriented test models can be specified. It also supports
modeling with UML protocol state machines and contracts (preconditions and postconditions).
It provides test generators for comprehensive coverage criteria of test models, including
reachability coverage, reachability with sneak paths, state coverage, transition
coverage, depth coverage, goal coverage, random walk, deadlock/termination state
coverage, and given sequences. Pairwise and partial order techniques are options for
reducing the size of test suites.
It supports a number of languages (Java, C, C++, C#, HTML, and VB) and test frameworks
(e.g., JUnit, NUnit, Selenium IDE, and Robot Framework) for offline test execution.
It supports on-the-fly testing and online execution of generated tests through Selenium
WebDriver or a RPC protocol (JSON-RPC or XML-RPC).
MISTA can be used for function testing, acceptance testing, GUI testing, security
testing, and programmer testing.
Contact Information
Phone: 1-605-256-0594
Other Remarks
The Petri nets are a lightweight version of high-level Petri nets without
using arc weights or colors.
The graphical editor is based on PIPE 3.
Entry last updated: 2004/4/6
Entry last validated: 2004/5/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial (free for academic institutions)
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Discrete part of Petri net state model (Input/Output extensions to P/T nets alike signal interpreted nets)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Structural Analysis
- Interchange File Format
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
Tool Description
Netlab is a modeling, analysis and simulation environment also supporting the design and synthesis of discrete event or hybrid systems under Matlab/Simulink. Netlab contains a very good P/T net editor, loading and saving in PNML.
Contact Information
Philipp Orth
Institut f’r Regelungstechnik der RWTH Aachen
Steinbachstraže 54
52056 Aachen
Phone: +49 241-80-27500
Fax: +49 241/80-22296
Other Remarks
Netlab is a Petri net tool developed since the late 1980's at the Institute of Automatic Control (Institut f’r Regelungstechnik) at Aachen University (RWTH Aachen), Germany. At present, the source code is developed in C++.
Netlab is used in research and education at Aachen University and unfortunately (for international users) it is equipped with a German user interface and documentation only.
Entry last updated: 2004/5/25
Entry last validated: 2004/5/25
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
Tool Description
Nevod - system of modelling of processes and acceptance
of decisions in CAM. Nevod is intended for maintenance of the
automated and automatic acceptance of decisions in logic and
organizational management systems. A basis of architecture of system
makes a model of discrete parallel processes in the form inhibitor
Petri net - the modern world-wide recognized mathematical tool.
Contact Information
Dmitry Zaitsev
Dachi Kovalevskogo, 20
Odessa 65038
Phone: +38 0482 234074
Fax: +38 0482 236269
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2004/5/25
Entry last validated: 2004/5/25
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Net Reductions
- Structural Analysis
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Advanced Performance Analysis
- Interchange File Format
Tool Description
Opera - system of operative planning and management on the
base of network models. Opera is intended for automation of processes
of operative planning and production managements on the basis of tool
computer means. Basic scope of system - management of industrial
activity at the machine-building (electronic device building)
enterprise. Application of system in other fields is possible where
it is necessary to provide effective performance of complexes of the
interconnected works on the limited resources. The model of object of
management is submitted by timed Petri net.
Contact Information
Dmitry Zaitsev
Dachi Kovalevskogo, 20
Odessa 65038
Phone: +38 0482 234074
Fax: +38 0482 236269
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2013/12/13
Entry last validated: 2013/12/13
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- State Spaces
- Advanced Performance Analysis
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows XP
- Macintosh, Mac OS X
- Java
Tool Description
Petri nets can be edited graphically, associating transitions with earliest and latest time to fire (time Petri nets), or with a deterministic or expolynomial probability density function with finite or infinite support (stochastic time Petri nets). The editor includes features such as undo, cut-and-paste, zoom, magnetic grid, alignment and even spacing of elements, SVG export, sticky notes.
The stochastic state class graph of time Petri nets can be computed and visualized graphically. For stochastic time Petri nets, the stochastic state class graph can highlight regeneration points and exclude firings with null probability. Transient state probabilities of stochastic time Petri nets can be computed through the forward enumeration of stochastic state classes (distributions of time-to-fires after each firing) within a time-bound. Regenerative analysis combines the enumeration of stochastic state classes up to regeneration points with integral equation systems, in order to exploit the repetitive structure of the underlying stochastic process.
Contact Information
Enrico Vicario
University of Florence
Via di Santa Marta, 3
50139 Firenze
Phone: +390554796463
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2008/12/19
Entry last validated: 2008/12/19
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Upgraded Petri Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- Interchange File Format
- Petri net ontology
- PC, MS Windows 98
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
Tool Description
Graphical user interface enables representing Petri Net models like graphs. The P3 workspace is divided into two parts: on the left there is the navigation tree of Petri net objects; on the right there is a document review of the Petri net graph which is being operated at the moment.
Two ways of simulation: individual executing of transition, parallel executing of all transitions with previous resolving of conflict situations. Tools for model analysis developed in P3 are the following: reachability tree, matrix equations, firing tree, and firing graph.
P3 uses Petri Net Markup Language for sharing Petri nets with other Petri net tools. The P3 tool has three eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLTs) that transform P3's interpretation of PNML into the formats of the following tools: DaNAMiCS, Renew, Petri Net Kernel.
P3 supports the Petri net ontology in the RDFS definition. Also, P3 produces RDF-annotated SVG documents with Petri net models.
Contact Information
School of Computing and Information Systems
Athabasca University
1 University Drive
Athabasca, AB T9S 3A3
Phone: +1 604 569 8515
Fax: +1 778 782 7488
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2003/5/5
Entry last validated: 2004/5/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial (discounts for academic institutions)
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
- Attributed Petri Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- Net Reductions
- Fuzzy Technics, Net Optimizations
- PC, MS Windows 95
- PC, MS Windows 98
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
Tool Description
PACE nets are hierarchically structured stochastic high-level Petri nets with time and Fuzzy modeling. A short overview of PACE and many instructive examples can be found on the IBE homepage:
PACE 5.0+, including Fuzzy and advanced optimization technics, is available in English and German language.
Contact Information
Dr.-Ing. Bernd Eichenauer
IBE Simulation Engineering GmbH
Postfach 1142
D-85623 Glonn
Phone: +49 (0)8093 5000
Fax: +49 (0)8093 5000
Other Remarks
PACE nets are attributed with Smalltalk-80. All net elements can be iconified with user graphics. Easy to use C-interface using DLLs. DDE interface with special extensions for EXCEL and ACCESS. Special non-expert interface for the daily use in applications. To avoid handling errors in applications PACE models can be frozen. Many different graphical elements which can be used for data input and visualization purposes. Extended Fuzzy modeling; amongst other special controllers are supported (Mamdani, Sugeno). Optimization of mathematical and PACE net functions using several optimization methods and combinations of these methods.
Entry last updated: 2009/2/23
Entry last validated: 2009/2/23
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
Tool Description
PED is intended as an graphical front end to those Petri net
analysis and simulations tools which have not its own graphical
editor. PED allows the construction of hierarchical Place/Transition
nets with non-stochastically time assignments. Export functions to
INA, PEP, and PROD are currently supported. Additionally PED allows
the invocation of self-written export functions.
Contact Information
Monika Heiner
Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus
Computer Science Institute
Postbox 10 13 44, 03013 Cottbus, Germany
Phone: +49-355-69 3884
Fax: +49-355-69 3587
Other Remarks
No longer supported yet.
Please consider the use of our new tool Snoopy.
Entry last updated: 2004/9/27
Entry last validated: 2004/5/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Net Reductions
- Structural Analysis
- Interchange File Format
- Model Checking
Petri Net Generators
Tool Description
The PEP tool (Programming Environment based on Petri Nets)
is a comprehensive set of modelling, compilation, simulation and
verification components, linked together within a Tcl/Tk based graphical
user interface.
PEP's modelling components facilitate the design of parallel systems by
parallel programs, interacting finite automata, process algebra, or
high-level/low-level Petri nets.
PEP's compilers generate Petri nets from such models.
PEP's simulators allow automatic or user-driven simulation of
high-level/low-level nets and may trigger simulation of the
corresponding programs.
PEP's verification component contains various Petri net indigenous
algorithms to check, e.g., reachability properties and
deadlock-freeness, as well as model checking algorithms. Presently,
PEP contains a prefix-builder on top of which Esparza's model checking
algorithm which allows simple branching-time logic properties to be
checked very efficiently on nets, and hence on all input models
of PEP.
PEP also has a good interface to Starke's INA package, in which a wide
range of structural analysis algorithms such as the computation
of place invariants, transition invariants, siphons and traps,
as well as stubborn set and symmetrically reduced state space
analysis, are implemented. Interfaces to the verification tools
SMV, SPIN and FC2Tools provide BDD based model checking and
support LTL/CTL formulae.
Contact Information
Prof. Dr. Eike Best, Christian Stehno
University of Oldenburg
Fachbereich Informatik
Parallel Systems group
D-26111 Oldenburg
Phone: +49 441 798 2973 (EB), 3838 (CS), 2426 (Secr.)
Fax: +49 441 798 2965
E-mail: {pep_help,,christian.stehno}
Other Remarks
The PEP WWW page contains information (e.g. on new developments) and
further links about the tool and its underlying theory. A detailed
documentation, selected papers, installation notes, format descriptions
and various versions of the tool can be downloaded. PEP runs on Solaris
and Linux.
PEP is being developed by the research group led by Eike Best in Oldenburg.
There have been numerous contributions and support for PEP by a lot of
people outside the group, and financial support by the DFG (German Research Foun
dation) in 1993-1999.
The overall responsibility for the design of PEP has been with Bernd Grahlmann.
Christian Stehno took over responsibility for development and
support of PEP in 1999.
A complete list of contributors can be found in the `About'-box of the
Entry last updated: 2005/12/2
Entry last validated: 2005/12/2
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Rapid Prototyping
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows 95
- PC, MS Windows 98
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
- Macintosh, Mac OS
- Macintosh, Mac OS X
Tool Description
A simple petri net editor used in our concurrent programming
course dragged and dropped together with only 33 lines of EToy-Code.
Runs in the wbe-browser if the squeak-plugin from
is installed.
Sample nets can be found on the website under "more examples".
An empty editor can be loaded (after having installed squeak)
Contact Information
Markus Gaelli
Software Composition Group
University of Bern
Phone: +41-31-6313313
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2003/6/23
Entry last validated: 2004/5/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- synthesis
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows 95
- PC, MS Windows 98
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
Tool Description
Petrigen is a tool written in Tcl/Tk (a script language) that offers features to synthesize Petri Nets from structural and behavioral specifications. It combines a Petri Net editor and an interface to any prolog iso compliant language, from which the results can be viewed in the editor. It allows the easy development of new features in Prolog thanks to a dedicated editor, and new Tcl/Tk functions can be added directly to a running program session with the use of a "Tcl terminal".
Contact Information
Ecole Centrale de Lille
Cit‰ Scientifique
Phone: +33 0320335455
Fax: +33 0320335418
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2005/10/11
Entry last validated: 2005/10/11
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Rapid Prototyping
Tool Description
Petri-LLD is a Java program intended to be used to design
automation controllers based on Petri-nets. The nets are
restricted to one token per place (at most) as this ensures that the
resulting systems can be easily translated to run on simple devices
such as PLCs (programmable logic controllers). A large number of
compiler output types are available, including ladder logic for Omron,
Rockwell and Siemens controllers, and also Java and Visual Basic. Also
a number of other PLC languages are supported.
This tool has mainly been used to teach students how to
construct manufacturing systems. Its main advantage in this is that it
allows the student to simulate prior to testing code on the PLC. At
the same time, it automatically generates code, so when bugs are
found, the student returns to the Petri-LLD tool to both simulate and
correct the bug.
Contact Information
James Brusey
Institute for Manufacturing
Engineering Department
Cambridge University
16 Mill Lane
Phone: 44 1223 765605
Fax: 44 1223 338076
Other Remarks
Petri-LLD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
For more details, see the file named COPYING that comes with the source distribution.
Petri Net Kernel
Entry last updated: 2002/10/24
Entry last validated: 2004/6/3
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- DAWN-Nets
User definable
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Interchange File Format
- INA-pilot
User definable
Tool Description
The Petri Net Kernel (PNK) is an infrastructure for developing Petri
net tools. It relieves the programmer from implementing standard
functions on Petri nets such as loading and saving nets, accessing and
modifying the net structure, and building graphical user interfaces.
Different components for the PNK can be arbitrarily combined and
integrated into a single tool without programming effort.
The PNK is not restricted to particular Petri net types. Rather, the
Petri net type can be specified by the programmer.
The PNK is implemented in the programming language Java and can be
used in any environment on which Java is available. An older version
of the PNK implemented in Python is available, too.
The standard file format of the PNK is the Petri Net Markup Language
Contact Information
Michael Weber
Institut f’r Informatik
Humboldt-Universit„t zu Berlin
D-10099 Berlin
Phone: -
Fax: -
Other Remarks
Petri .NET Simulator
Entry last updated: 2008/4/7
Entry last validated: 2008/4/7
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial (discounts for academic institutions)
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Subsystem blocks
- PC, MS Windows 98
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
Tool Description
Petri .NET Simulator is an application that can be used for drawing and simulation of Petri nets. The application has been designed for modelling, analysis and simulation of flexible manufacturing systems but can be used for other discrete event systems as well.
New Subsystem technology. Petri net objects (Places and Transitions) can be grouped to Subsystems. This makes easier to understand and maintain Petri net model.
Contact Information
Goran Genter
Trg Kralja Tomislava 2
Other Remarks
Petri Net Toolbox
Entry last updated: 2004/1/9
Entry last validated: 2004/5/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial (discounts for academic institutions)
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
- Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- State Spaces
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Structural Analysis
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Advanced Performance Analysis
- Interchange File Format
- Max-plus Analysis for Marked Graphs
Tool Description
The Petri Net Toolbox is a software tool for simulation, analysis, and design of discrete event systems, based on Petri Net models. Five types of Petri Net models are accepted: untimed, transition-timed, place-timed, stochastic, and generalized stochastic nets. The timed nets can be deterministic or stochastic. Places may have finite or infinite capacity. Priorities or probabilities can be assigned to conflicting transitions. A graphical user interface (GUI) allows you to draw, store, and retrieve Petri Net models, as well as to start the procedures for simulation, analysis, and design. Animated demos and online help are available.
Contact Information
Technical University "Gh. Asachi" of Iasi
Departament of Automatic Control and Industrial Informatics
Blvd. Mangeron, no. 53 A
Iasi, 700050
Phone: +40-232-230751
Fax: +40-232-230751
Other Remarks
Typical end users of the Petri Net Toolbox include educators, undergraduate and postgraduate students, and specialists working in research and development. All the procedures available in the Petri Net Toolbox are implemented as M-files and are designed in a modular fashion to start from the GUI.
Entry last updated: 2003/5/2
Entry last validated: 2004/5/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Fast Simulation
Tool Description
Graphical editor of Place/Transition nets. Work on more networks
simultaneously. Disk Save/Load. Various options like color,
size, line styles, etc. Simulation in various modes including:
- user/automatic selection from more enabled transitions,
- fast/step modes, saving status to RAM (breakpoints).
User procedures in Pascal modify the net behavior and can
generate (possibly random) duration of firing. So Time and High
level nets are also supported. User code can add any user
status data.This supports generation of Discrete Simulation
Models. Support for simulation of Queueing Networks in the form
of icons and transparent statistics.
Contact Information
Jaroslav Sklenar
Department of Statistics and Operations Research
University of Malta
Msida MSD 06
Phone: +356 2340 3070
Fax: +356 2131 2110
Other Remarks
MS DOS based tool for education that can be started from
Windows practically on any PC. Supports creation of
Discrete Simulation Models in Pascal with simplicity
typical for Simulation languages. Timing and synchronization
is solved by the Time net, the rest by user added routines
activated by events in the net (starting/finishing firing).
Includes several units with objects supporting typical
simulation tasks like:
- generation of generally distributed random numbers,
- automatic collection and computation of statistical data,
- work with linked lists (queues) in Simula's Simset way.
Entry last updated: 2010/9/3
Entry last validated: 2010/9/3
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
- Transfer Petri Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- State Spaces
- Place Invariants
- Net Reductions
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Interchange File Format
- Sun, SunOS
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows 95
- PC, MS Windows 98
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
- Macintosh, Mac OS
- Macintosh, Mac OS X
- Java
Tool Description
Petruchio is a tool for computing Petri net translations of
dynamic networks modeled in terms of Pi-calculus processes. It
provides means to further analyse (the resulting) nets.
It consists of a rich (graphical) frontend with model-checker
integration and several command-line backend tools which allow for
fast simulation of (high-level) GSPN, checking coverability for
low-level (transfer) Petri nets, and application of reduction
techniques for low-level Petri nets.
Several (low-level) Petri net formats are supported.
See Other Remarks for further details.
Contact Information
Tim Strazny
Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
Ammerlaender Heerstrasse 114-118
D-26129 Oldenburg
Phone: +49-441-798-2362
Fax: +49-441-798-2965
Other Remarks
Petruchio Backend
- Command-line tools
- Fast computation of (structural) Petri net semantics of Pi-calculus processes
- Fast (backward) coverability checker for low-level (transfer) Petri nets
- Several reduction techniques implemented (pre-/post-agglomeration, ...)
- Reads and writes many low-level Petri net formats (pnml, ll_net, spec, lola, ina, ...)
- Fast (non-visual) simulation of (high-level) generalized stochastic Petri nets
- Simulation based statistical analysis
Petruchio IDE
- Rich Eclipse based GUI
- Integrates Petruchio Backend
- Low-level Petri net editor with simulation capabilities
- Model-checker integration (MCKit, ...)
- Counter-example visualization
- Interpretation of Petri net markings as Pi-calculus processes
- Editor for Pi-calculus processes with syntax highlighting
- Display connection structure of Pi-calculus processes
Platform Independent Petri Net Editor 2
Entry last updated: 2003/5/5
Entry last validated: 2003/5/5
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Structural Analysis
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Interchange File Format
- Extensible Analysis Modules and File Formats
Tool Description
Create Petri Nets quickly, efficiently and
effectively. Six analysis modules (so far) including Invariant
Analysis, State-Space Analysis (deadlock, etc) & Simulation
Analysis. Key design principle is extensible module interface allowing
new analysis modules to be easily written. Conforms fully with PNML,
although the file format is extensible through the use of XSLT.
Contact Information
James D Bloom
Phone: +44 7815 052 722
Fax: +44 20 7916 7665
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2010/12/6
Entry last validated: 2010/12/6
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Interchange File Format
Tool Description
PNEditor is an easy to use open-source Petri net editor with:
- Subnets
- Role definitions
- Static places (shared resources)
- EPS and PNG export
License: GNU GPL v3
Contact Information
Martin Riesz
Slovak University of Technology
Ilkovicova 3, 812 19
Phone: +421260291859
Fax: +421265420415
E-mail: riesz.martin at
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2011/4/21
Entry last validated: 2011/4/21
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Structural Analysis
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Interchange File Format
Tool Description
Supervisory Control based on Petri Nets (PNs), Colored Petri
Nets (CPN) or Colored Modified Hybrid Petri Nets (CMHPN) model of the
plant leads to supervisors which can be PN/CPN themselves (compiled
supervisors) or simply a set of logical predicates (interpreted
supervisors). There is a lack of simulation and analysis tools that
can be used in both cases and can support the development of
supervisors. PNetLab is a simulation and analysis tool developed by
the Automatic Control Group of the University of Salerno. It allows
drawing of a PN/CPN/CMHPN model by a graphical user interface and the
definition of the supervisor as a PN/CPN or as a standard C/C++
program implementing logical predicates. Functionalities to analyze
the closed-loop model with all kind of supervisors
(PN/CPN/CMHPN/logical predicates) are available (token game ad
coverability tree) as well as standard functionalities when both the
plant and the controller are PNs (P-invariants, T-invariants, minimal
siphons and traps computation). In addition, PNetLab includes
management of time (plant modelled by timed PNs/CPNs) and conflict
management so as to permit testing of scheduling strategies together
with the supervisor as required in performance optimization
problems. Finally, the tool's simulation engine can be linked from an
external program allowing look-aheads supervisory techniques.
Contact Information
Francesco Basile, PhD
Universit€ degli Studi di Salerno
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica ed Ingegneria Informatica
Via Ponte don Melillo, 1
84084 Fisciano (SA)
Phone: +39-089-96-4400
Fax: +39-06-233 227 957
Other Remarks
The new version of the tool supports Htbrid Petri Nets.
PNML Framework
Entry last updated: 2008/10/20
Entry last validated: 2008/10/20
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- PNML Core Model
- Place/Transition Nets
- Symmetric Nets
- High-Level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets in High-Level Notation
Components (see also help on terminology)
- PC, Linux
- PC, Windows XP Professional, Vista Professional, Server 2003
- Macintosh PPC 32 bits and Intel 64 bits, Mac OS X
- Java
Tool Description
PNML Framework is a prototype implementation of ISO/IEC-15909
part 2, International Standard on Petri Net Markup Language.
The primary purpose of PNML is to enable interoperability among
Petri net tools. Thanks to this standard transfer format, tools should
be able to exchange Petri nets models, according to the standard
PNML framework has thus been designed to back the Standard. It
will enable Petri nets tools developers to seamlessly integrate PNML
support into their tools. It provides an extensive and comprehensible
API to:
- create and save PNML models,
- load and fetch PNML models elements.
This work is jointly directed by F. Kordon (LIP6, Univ P. &
M. Curie), L. Pettruci (LIPN/ Univ Paris XIII) and N. Trˆves
(CNAM/CEDRIC) within their AFNOR activities.
Development is handled by L.M. Hillah (LIP6, Univ P. & M. Curie).
Contact Information
F. Kordon & L.M. Hillah
LIP6, Universit‰ P. & M. Curie
4 place Jussieu
5722 Paris cedex 05
Phone: +33 1 44 27 88 20
Fax: Remember country code
Other Remarks
This is the second generation of PNML Framework, supporting stable
definitions of new Petri nets types from the Standard, which is
expected to be definitively adopted by 2009. Feedback is welcome.
Entry last updated: 2003/5/2
Entry last validated: 2003/5/2
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Structural Analysis
- Simple Net Analysis
Tool Description
This tool has been created last year by Georgios Markatatos
as part of the 3rd year Computer Science degree in Southampton.
The purpose of the tool is to show the simple concepts of black/white
Petri nets to people interested in learning how Petri Nets
work. The main purpose of this small application is not to
compete with high level tools, but to help beginners understand
how the Petri net tool concepts work, and provide those users
with the appropriate knowledge, in order to use better,
high-level tools.
This tool has been used for educational reasons, in the
University of Southampton Electronics & Computer Science
department by an MSc. communications course, in the
academic year of 1997-1998.
Contact Information
Georgios Markatatos
Elyros S.A.
Zisimopoulou 5, 17564
Phone: +30 210 - 9400562
Fax: +30 210 - 9483226
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2017/7/31
Entry last validated: 2017/7/31
Tool homepage:
Tool availability:
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Token Game Animation
- Net Reductions
- Interchange File Format
- slicing; transformation
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows XP
- Macintosh, Mac OS
- Macintosh, Mac OS X
Tool Description
PN-Suite is a system prepared to implement, combine, compare, and evaluate Petri net slicing algorithms. Roughly, this system can be seen as a workbench that implements the currently most important algorithms for Petri net slicing (it is prepared to easily integrate more algorithms into it). This system provides a new functionality that is particularly useful for the analysis and optimization of Petri nets: it combines all the slicing algorithms with the analysis of properties in such a way that one can reduce the size of a Petri net producing a slice that preserves some desired properties.
PN-Suite implements interfaces to communicate with other systems such as LoLA and APT. This means that PN-Suite takes advantage of LoLA and APT analyses to report about the properties kept or lost by the slices produced.
Even though we strongly encourage all users to install PN-Suite, we have implemented an online web interface:
Contact Information
Salvador Tamarit
Universitat Politècnica de València
Camí de Vera s/n
Phone: +349638773537
Fax: Remember country code
Other Remarks
See a detailed description of the tool in the paper presented at the 38th International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency (PETRI NETS 2017)
Entry last updated: 2003/5/5
Entry last validated: 2004/5/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- Simple Performance Analysis
Tool Description
PNtalk language and system are based on object oriented
Petri nets (OOPNs). OOPNs consist of classes which represent
independent behaviour and methods of their objects. This all
is described by Petri nets and at the same time all
advantages of object orientation are preserved. Tokens in
OOPNs represent trivial objects and objects described by
Petri nets. OOPN dynamics uses modified concepts of
invocation and remote procedure call. OOPN transitions can
work with firing times derived possibly from probabilistic
The style of PNtalk object orientation and its net
inscriptions are inspired by Smalltalk, PNtalk itself is
implemented in Smalltalk, and it is possible to freely mix
Smalltalk and PNtalk objects. Smalltalk also influenced the
GUI of PNtalk. The user can work separately with particular
nets of particular classes both when creating and debugging
a model.
Contact Information
Tomas Vojnar
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Technical University of Brno
Bozetechova 2
612 66 Brno
Czech Republic
Phone: +42 0 5-7275231
Fax: +42 0 5-41211141
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2003/5/30
Entry last validated: 2003/5/30
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
Tool Description
Poses++ is a high speed simulation environment. Modelling is
based on High-Level Petri-Nets with timed transitions,
timed arcs, variable arc cardinalities, predicate access
algorihms (fifo, lifo, ram, ...), net token construction
by "C"-types and other features.
The systems target is extremly fast simulation speed to
make it useful for really large scale models. The biggest
known non theoretical model of a whole plant contains 30.000
transitions, 30.000 predicates and 100.000 arcs. Pure test
models contain over 1.000.000 transitions.
Poses++ is useful for any kind of discrete event simulation
models (logistics, hardware, communication, ...).
The system is built as complex multi client/multi server
system connected via TCP/IP inside a LAN and over
INTERNET. This and the C-code interface in the modelling
language gives you the best possibilities for any kind of
software integration.
We use Poses++ in our consulting projects not only for
simulation purposes. Also we applied the system for real
time test environments, for online future prediction in
production processes and so on.
Contact Information
Altchemnitzer Str. 52/54
D-09120 Chemnitz
Phone: +49 371 57282 0
Fax: +49 371 57282 44
Other Remarks
Since release 1.3 published at 09/01/1999 the Poses++
www-Pages moved to, the pages of the developers.
This time the server software is running under UNIX and
Win32 platforms. The Poses++ client software is available
for Win32.
Entry last updated: 2003/5/8
Entry last validated: 2004/5/18
Tool homepage: unknown (formerly:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- hierarchical Petri Nets (Subnets)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Interchange File Format
- Dynamic Loading of Analysis modules
Tool Description
Predator was developed to provide an efficient way to
design and display hierarchical Petri nets, by using the concept of
Subnets. Further Predator was designed to allow users to dynamically
load analysis modules. Such modules must implement a simple java
interface, thus enabling users to write their own analysis modules for
use with Predator. An invarieant analysis module has already been
implemented. Predator supports Place Transition nets and Stochastic
Petri nets.
Contact Information
Mark Wass
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2007/3/22
Entry last validated: 2007/3/22
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- LTL Model Checking, CTL Model Checking
- Sun, SunOS
- Silicon Graphics, IRIX
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows 95
- PC, MS Windows 98
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
Tool Description
PROD is a text-based tool that can be used
in UNIX (any system of that kind) and in Windows
(3.1, 3.11, '95, NT, '98, 2000, XP). Currently no graphical
user-interface exists. PROD supports
the following reduced reachability
graph generation methods that may also be combined:
- The stubborn set method.
- The sleep set method.
- Priority definitions.
- The use of symmetries.
PROD supports verification of
CTL formulas from the reachability graph, and
on-the-fly verification of
LTL formulas using e.g. the stubborn set method.
Contact Information
Kimmo Varpaaniemi
Koivukyl„n puistotie 14 A 5
FI-01360 Vantaa
Phone: +358 9 871 4976
Other Remarks
PROD has been used e.g. in
the Emma project and in the analysis of
the Frame Synchronised Ring, a video on demand system, an
authentication protocol (HUT-TCS Reports A29, A36, B14),
the ISDN-DSS1 protocol, and
a PLC-based railway traffic control system.
Documentation for PROD is available as
HUT-TCS Report B13 with an up-to-date addendum.
Those who download the tool get this documentation
ProM framework
Entry last updated: 2008/08/05
Entry last validated: 2008/08/05
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- State Spaces
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Net Reductions
- Structural Analysis
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Advanced Performance Analysis
- Interchange File Format
- Conformance
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows 95
- PC, MS Windows 98
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
- Macintosh, Mac OS
- Macintosh, Mac OS X
- Java
Tool Description
ProM - the leading process mining toolkit.
Processes are an integral part of today's world,
driving services and internal functionalities in businesses,
governmental bodies, and organizations around the globe. While there
are plenty of systems available for supporting the execution of such
processes, the current practices for monitoring and analyzing this
execution in the organizational reality still leaves a lot to be
desired. Process Mining is able to fill that gap,
providing revolutionary means for the analysis and monitoring of
real-life processes.
Process Mining research
is concerned with the extraction of knowledge about
a (business) process from its process execution
logs. Process Mining strives to gain insight into
various perspectives, such as the process
(or control flow) perspective, the performance, data, and
organizational perspective (The web site has more
in-depth information and scientific publications
ProM is an
extensible framework that supports a wide
variety of process mining techniques in the form of
plug-ins. It is platform independent as it
is implemented in Java, and can be downloaded free
of charge. We welcome and support
practical applications of
ProM! Note that the ProM
framework is issued under an open source
license, namely the Common Public License (CPL), and we invite
researchers and developers to contribute in
the form of new plug-ins.
Currently, there are already more
than 230 plug-ins available, and we support the
import of (and the conversion
between) several process modelling languages, such as:
There are mining plugins, such as:
- Plugins supporting control-flow mining techniques (such as the Alpha algorithm, Genetic mining, Multi-phase mining, ...)
- Plugins analysing the organizational perspective (such as the Social Network miner, the Staff Assignment miner, ...)
- Plugins dealing with the data perspective (such as the Decision miner, ...)
- Plugins for mining less-structured, flexible processes (such as the Fuzzy Miner)
- Elaborate data visualization plugins (such as the Cloud Chamber Miner)
- (and many more)
Furthermore, there are analysis plugins dealing with:
- The verification of process models (e.g., Woflan analysis)
- Verification of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas on a log
- Checking the conformance between a given process model and a log
- Performance analysis (Basic statistical analysis, and Performance Analysis with a given process model)
Finally, ProM sports a large array of log filters, which are a valuable tool for cleaning logs from undesired, or unimportant, artefacts.
Contact Information
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
HG 7.73, Postbus 513, 5600 MB
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
Phone: +31 40 247 2733
Fax: +31 40 246 3992
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2004/6/3
Entry last validated: 2004/6/3
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial (discounts for academic institutions)
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Fast Simulation
- Structural Analysis
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Rapid Prototyping
- Workflow Management System
- PC, MS Windows 98
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
Tool Description
PROTOS is a tool to map processes in graphical way. It support Petrinet modelling, but also covers the information such as data, documents and applications and their relation to proces steps and conditions.
PROTOS Activate is a module to generate executable workflows directly from the PROTOS model (including form handling, data-text integration and integration).
With the ExSpect-plug-inn, sophistiated simulations can be executed.
Contact Information
Pallas Athena
Piet Joubertstraat 4
7315 AV Apeldoorn
PO box 747
7300 AS Apeldoorn
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-55-3685300
Fax: +31-55-3685311
Other Remarks
PTN Engine
Entry last updated: 2018/8/22
Entry last validated: 2018/8/22
Tool homepage:
Tool availability:
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Fast Simulation
- Rapid Prototyping
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows XP
Tool Description
The PTN Engine is a C++ (C++ 11) library that implements the rules of Petri nets. Its purpose is to be integrated in other programs and to enable the integrating program to have its logic defined by a Petri net.
The PTN Engine is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
Contact Information
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2011/6/6
Entry last validated: 2011/6/6
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- (Hierarchical) Queueing Petri Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Fast Simulation
- Advanced Performance Analysis
- Interchange File Format
- Sun, SunOS
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows XP
- Macintosh, Mac OS X
- Java
Tool Description
QPME (Queueing Petri net Modeling Environment) is a tool for stochastic modeling and analysis based on the Queueing Petri Net (QPN) modeling formalism. Queueing Petri Nets are a combination of conventional queueing networks and stochastic Petri nets providing increased expressiveness and thus making it possible to model systems at a higher degree of accuracy. The development of the tool started in 2003 at the Technische Universität Darmstadt and was continued at the University of Cambridge from 2006 to 2008. Since 2008, QPME is being developed and maintained by the Descartes Research Group at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The first version was released in January 2007 and since then the tool has been distributed to more than 120 universities, companies and research institutes worldwide.
QPME is made of two components: QPE (QPN Editor) and SimQPN (Simulator for QPNs). QPE provides a user-friendly graphical tool for modeling using QPNs based on the Eclipse/GEF framework. SimQPN provides an efficient discrete-event simulation engine for QPNs that makes it possible to analyze models of realistically-sized systems. QPME runs on a wide range of platforms including Windows, Linux, Mac OS and Solaris among others.
Contact Information
Samuel Kounev
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Fakult„t f’r Informatik
IPD Reussner
Postfach 6980
D-76128 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 721 608 45993
Fax: +49 721 608 45990
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2003/5/2
Entry last validated: 2004/5/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Object-oriented PNs
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- Interchange File Format
- Rapid Prototyping
- Workflow Management System
Tool Description
Renew is a high-level Petri net editor and simulator
that achieves a seamless integration of Petri nets and the Java
programming language. Petri nets can implement methods and can be
treated as first-class Java objects. On the other
hand, Java code can be accessed from nets easily.
Renew implements bidirectional synchronous channels and multiple
instances of a single net, thereby providing powerful
abstraction concepts. The simulation engine is capable of executing
multiple transition in separate threads. Renew is well
suited for rapid prototyping and creating executable workflow models.
Renew support flexible arcs, test arcs, clear arcs, and
inhibitor arcs in addition to ordinary arcs. The timed net formalism
allows delays on input and output arcs.
Contact Information
Arbeitsbereich TGI
--- Renew ---
Fachbereich Informatik, Uni Hamburg
Vogt-Koelln-Strasse 30
D-22527 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 42883 2245
Fax: +49 40 42883 2246
Other Remarks
Renew is written in in the platform-independent language
Java. Additionally, for many specific platforms we provide
install scripts or specially packaged versions.
Renew is available with source code.
Entry last updated: 2003/5/17
Entry last validated: 2004/5/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability:
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- State Spaces
- PC, Linux
- Macintosh, Mac OS X
Tool Description
ROMEO performs :
- computation of the State Class Graph of Time Petri Nets
- computation of the State Class (Timed) Automaton of Time Petri Nets
- computation of the Marking (Timed) Automaton of Time Petri Nets
- structural translation from Time Petri Nets to Timed Automata
- computation of the State Class Graph of TPN with scheduling extension
ROMEO is composed of a graphic interface written in Tcl/Tk and of two computation process of the state space of time Petri net
Contact Information
Olivier H. Roux
1, rue de la No‹
BP 92 101
44321 Nantes FRANCE CEDEX 03
Fax: +33 02 40 37 69 30
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2018/8/22
Entry last validated: 2018/8/22
Tool homepage:
Tool availability:
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
Tool Description
Prototype of CPN Equivalence checkers
Contact Information
Name: Dr. Soumyadip Bandyopadhyay
Company/Institution: Hasso Plattner Institute
Street: Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2 - 3
City/State/Postal code: Potsdam, 14482
Country: germany
Phone: +49 1626304191
Fax: Remember country code
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2003/5/9
Entry last validated: 2003/5/9
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- Abstract Graphical Visualization
Tool Description
The SEA environment (System Engineering and Animation)
consists of a Net-Editor supporting the
specification of hierarchical timed Predicate/Transition-Nets
and a Graphic-Editor for the definition of an abstract
graphical representation of a netmodel.
The Net-Editor is also capable for an immediate simulation of
a specified model that is combined with an animation of
both the Petrinet-Graphic and the abstract graphical
Contact Information
Carsten Rust
F’rstenallee 11
33094 Paderborn
Phone: +49 5251 60-6126
Fax: +49 5251 60-6065
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2010/9/3
Entry last validated: 2010/9/3
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial (discounts for academic institutions)
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Fast Simulation
- State Spaces
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Structural Analysis
- Simple Performance Analysis
Tool Description
SimHPN offers a collection of tools devoted to simulation,
analysis and synthesis of discrete event systems modeled by hybrid and
continuous Petri nets. SimHPN is embedded in the MATLAB environment
what provides the considerable advantage of creating powerful
algebraic, statistical and graphical instruments exploiting the high
quality routines available in MATLAB. The main features of the
software package are:
- Simulation of continuous Petri nets under the following
firing semantics: Infinite server, Finite server, and Product
- Import function from different graphical Petri net editors.
- Different visualization options.
- Computation of throughput bounds.
- Computation of P-T-semiflows.
- Optimal sensor placement.
- Optimal steady-state.
Contact Information
Group of Discrete Event Systems Engineering (GISED)
University of Zaragoza (UniZar)
Maria de Luna 1, Ada Byron building
50018 Zaragoza
Phone: + (34) 976762517
Fax: + (34) 976761914
Other Remarks
SimHPN offers a user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI)
allowing an intuitive use of its functions. Almost all the procedures
related to simulation and structural analysis can be accessed by using
the controls of the GUI.
Simulaworks, Petri Nets Simulator
Entry last updated: 2006/7/28
Entry last validated: 2006/7/28
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Fast Simulation
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
Tool Description
SimulaWorks package is a general purpose simulator, that
supports an open set of simulation languages and AI techniques.
SimulaWorks can be used to construct various system types like
control loops, signal processing, logic and hardware circuits,
manufacturing systems, production lines, traffic systems, complicated
algebraic calculation, optimization and search problems, state
diagrams and even graphs, presentation using graphics, run-able flow
charts, and more... Also sometimes hybrid system of those systems can
be simulated, like control and signal processing...
Many libraries are implemented for this simulator for example:
Control Library.
Mathematics Library.
GPSS Library.
Petri Nets Library.
Active Flow Chart Library.
Smart Draw Library.
Hardware/Logic Library.
SimulaWorks is provided with Power Matrix script language,
which is matrix based language that support most programming features
beside the easiness and safety in use. Also it comes with large
library of routines that support most matrices operations.
Contact Information
Ain Shams University / Faculty of Engineering
Phone: +20 127343762
Fax: +20 026702267
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2003/5/8
Entry last validated: 2004/5/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Code Generation for PLC, Translation into SMV Code
Tool Description
The SIPN-Editor is a prototypical tool for editing, visualizing
and translating hierarchical Signal Interpreted Petri Nets
The main component of the generated SIPN tool is a graphics
editor that allows for easily editing SIPNs in a direct manipulation
manner. The primary purpose of the tool is to be used as a programmingt
tool for PLC programmers. As the SIPN tool has been prototyped as a
programming tool, created SIPNs are translated by the tool into
equivalent IL programs which implement the SIPNs on PLCs.
Furthermore, the SIPN tool offers a code generator that
produces SMV input code for verification.
Contact Information
Georg Frey
University of Kaiserslautern
Institute of Automatic Control
PO Box 3049
D-67653 Kaiserslautern
Phone: +49 631 205 44 55
Fax: +49 631 205 44 62
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2007/6/25
Entry last validated: 2007/6/25
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- PBC and M-nets family
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Fast Simulation
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- Interchange File Format
- Rapid Prototyping
- Sun, SunOS
- Silicon Graphics, IRIX
- PC, Linux
- PC, OS/2
- PC, MS Windows 95
- PC, MS Windows 98
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
- Macintosh, Mac OS
- Macintosh, Mac OS X
- Python
Tool Description
SNAKES is the Net Algebra Kit for Editors and Simulators. It is
a Python library that provides all then necessary to define and
execute many sorts of Petri nets, in particular those of the Petri Box
Calculus and M-nets family. Its main aim is to be a general Petri net
library, being able to define and execute most Petri nets models, and
providing the researcher with a tool to quickly prototype its new
ideas. SNAKES should be also suitable to provide the data model for
editors or simulators.
A key feature of SNAKES is the ability to use arbitrary Python
objects as tokens and arbitrary Python expressions in many points,
hence its wide generality. Another important feature of SNAKES is a
plugin system that allows to extend the library and work with
specialised classes of Petri nets.
Contact Information
Franck Pommereau
LACL, University of Paris 12
61 avenue du g‰n‰ral de Gaulle
94010 Cr‰teil
Phone: 33+145176600
Fax: 33+145176601
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2009/2/23
Entry last validated: 2009/2/23
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
- Continuous Petri Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
- Macintosh, Mac OS X
Tool Description
Snoopy is a tool to design and execute (animate, simulate)
hierarchical graph-based system descriptions. The tool comes along
with several pre-fabricated graph classes, especially some kind of
Petri nets and other related graphs, and facilitates a comfortable
integration of further graph classes due to its generic design.
To support an aspect-oriented model engineering, different
graph classes may be used simultaneously, and graphs of different
classes can be converted into each other.
Snoopy provides some features (hierarchical nodes, logical
nodes), which are particularly useful for larger models, or models
with an higher connectivity degree.
There are several Petri net classes available, among them the
purely qualitative place/transition nets according to the standard
definition and a version enhanced by four special arcs as well as
three quantitative extensions - time Petri nets, stochastic Petri
nets, and continuous Petri nets. Each of these classes enjoys
dedicated animation or simulation features.
Contact Information
Monika Heiner
Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus
Computer Science Institute
Postbox 10 13 44, 03013 Cottbus, Germany
Phone: +49-355-69 3884
Fax: +49-355-69 3587
Other Remarks
Snoopy provides export to several analysis tools, among them:
Charlie, DSSZ-CTL and DSSZ-LTL, INA, LoLA, Maria, McKit, PEP, PROD,
TINA, SBML/Level 2/Version 3.
Snoopy provides import from the following tools/languages:
APNN, PED, TINA, SBML/Level 2/Version 3.
Entry last updated: 2003/5/5
Entry last validated: 2003/5/5
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial (free for academic institutions)
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Stochastic Petri Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Advanced Performance Analysis
Tool Description
This software is Stochastic Petri Net Package 'SPNP' Version 5.0.
SPNP is a versatile modeling tool for the solution of Stochastic
Petri Nets (SPN) models. The SPN models are described in the
input language for SPNP called CSPL (C-based SPN Language).
Contact Information
Dr. Kishor S. Trivedi
Hudson Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708
Phone: +1 (919) 401-0299 x306
Fax: +1 (919) 401-5589
Other Remarks
The package allows the specification of custom measures
although a standard set of measures are available. The
measures are defined in terms of rewards associated with
the markings of the SRN. Sensitivity analysis allows the
user to evaluate the effect of changes in an input parameter
on the output measures.
Entry last updated: 2003/7/17
Entry last validated: 2003/7/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Fast Simulation
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Interchange File Format
- PC, MS Windows 95
- PC, MS Windows 98
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
Tool Description
STPNPlay is an interactive stochastic Petri nets modeling and simulation tool. It is a multithreaded Win32 application written in C++. Emphasis in development was dedicated to the accuracy and speed of simulation algorithm and to the portability of system models and simulated results.
Contact Information
Josef Capek
Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electrical engineering
Karlovo nam. 13
Czech Republic
Phone: +42 0-224-357-296
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2013/2/25
Entry last validated: 2004/5/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial (free for academic institutions)
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
- Dynamic instantiation of nets, C++ code associated to transitions and places, priority
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Fast Simulation
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Interchange File Format
- C++ code generation
- C++
- Requires only a C++ compiler
Tool Description
SYROCO is a CoOperative Objects compiler which translates
COO classes into C++ classes in an efficient way.
It is suitable both for the simulation of distributed systems and
the implementation of concurrent applications.
COOs are (Very) High Level Petri Nets, featuring dynamic instantiation,
synchronous and asynchronous communications, inheritance, temporisation,
data processing capabilities, ...
Contact Information
C. Sibertin-Blanc
University Tlse 1/IRIT
1 place A. France
31042 Toulouse cedex
Phone: +33 561 12 87 94
Fax: +33 561 12 86 75
Other Remarks
COO classes may be edited either as text files or using the
MACAO Petri net editor (cf. CPN-AMI).
If MACAO is not used, only a C++ compiler is required.
Entry last updated: 2009/9/23
Entry last validated: 2009/9/23
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Advanced Performance Analysis
- Interchange File Format
- Sun, SunOS
- Silicon Graphics, IRIX
- PC, Linux
- PC, OS/2
- PC, MS Windows 95
- PC, MS Windows 98
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
- Macintosh, Mac OS
- Macintosh, Mac OS X
- Java
Tool Description
TAPAAL is a tool for modelling, simulation and verification of
Timed-Arc Petri nets developed at Department of Computer Science at
AALborg University in Denmark and available for Linux, Windows and Mac
OS X platforms.
Timed-Arc Petri Net (TAPN) is a time extension of the classical
Petri net model where tokens in the net carry their own age and
arcs from places to transitions are labelled by time intervals that
restrict the age of tokens that can be used in order to fire the
respective transition.
The TAPAAL tool offers a graphical editor for drawing TAPN
models, simulator for experimenting with the designed nets and a
verification environment that automatically answers logical
queries. The verification algorithm translates the TAPAAL queries into
UPPAAL ones and relies on the UPPAAL verification engine.
Contact Information
Jiri Srba
Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University
Selma Lagerlofs Vej 300
9220 Aalborg
Phone: +45 99 40 98 51
Fax: +45 99 40 97 98
Other Remarks
The verification module uses the UPPAAL engine and can run on
Win/Linux/MAC OS X platforms. UPPAAL is free for academic use but not
for commercial use.
The Model-Checking Kit
Entry last updated: 2003/5/2
Entry last validated: 2004/5/18
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- CTL-/LTL-Model-Checking, Deadlock-Checking, Reachability-Checking
Tool Description
The Model-Checking Kit is a collection of programs which allow to model a
finite-state system using a variety of modelling languages, and verify it
using a variety of checkers, including deadlock-checkers,
reachability-checkers, and model-checkers for the temporal
logics CTL and LTL. The checkers are taken from
different existing tools like PROD, SMV, or PEP. They use
state-of-the-art techniques to avoid the state explosion problem,
such as symbolic model checking (BDDs) and partial orders.
The modelling languages include among others the low level language of PEP,
because some tools can export models to this language,
B(PN)2, a structured parallel programming language and CFA,
a language for the description of communicating finite automata.
The most interesting feature of the Kit is that
independently of the description language chosen by the user
all checkers can be applied to the same model. It is not
necessary to model the system in different modelling
Contact Information
Prof. Dr. Javier Esparza
Universit„t Stuttgart
Institut f’r Formale Methoden der Informatik
Abteilung Sichere und Zuverl„ssige Softwaresysteme
Universit„tsstr. 38
D-70569 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 7816-455
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2009/3/7
Entry last validated: 2009/3/7
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial (free for academic institutions)
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- Place Invariants
- Structural Analysis
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Advanced Performance Analysis
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows XP
Tool Description
TimeNET (Timed Petri Net Evaluation Tool) is a software package
for the modeling and evaluation of SPNs in which the firing times of
the transitions may be exponentially distributed, deterministic, or
more generally distributed. Models can be specified with a graphical
user interface. Result measures can be defined at the model-level in a
special-purpose syntax. Models with continuous time scale as well as
discrete time are supported. A special modelling and analysis
component is available for manufacturing systems using colored Petri
The stationary analysis is based on Markov regenerative
theory. An embedded Markov chain (EMC) is constructed and solved. The
transient analysis is based on the method of supplementary variables.
TimeNET also supplies a simulation component for non-Markovian
Petri nets. The tool offers different techniques to accelerate
simulation experiments.
Contact Information
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Armin Zimmermann
Technische Universit„t Ilmenau
System and Software Engineering
P.O. Box 100565
D-98684 Ilmenau, Germany
Phone: +49 (3677) 69 4420
Fax: +49 (3677) 69 1285
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2005/4/26
Entry last validated: 2005/4/26
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
- Time Petri Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- State Class Spaces
- Sun, SunOS
- PC, Linux
- PC, MS Windows 98
- PC, MS Windows NT
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
- Macintosh, Mac OS X
Tool Description
Tina is a toolbox for analysis of Petri nets and Time Petri
nets. At that time, it includes:
nd: An editor for Petri nets, Time Petri nets, and automata, in
textual or graphical form, interfaced with drawing tools and the
analysis tools below. A stepper/simulator operating both in graphical
and textual modes is packed with the editor.
tina: Builds various reachability graphs or state space
abstractions for Petri nets and Time Petri nets. For Petri Nets:
coverability graphs, markings graphs, and various partial graphs using
Covering steps, Stubborn or Persistent sets, or Persistent steps. For
Time Petri nets: various state class graph constructions, preserving
markings, states, linear time properties, or branching time
properties. Results may be produced in several popular formats.
struct: Computes semiflows (invariants) or flows on places
and/or transitions, with various options.
Contact Information
7, avenue du Colonel Roche
31077 Toulouse CEDEX
Phone: +33/(0)5 61 33 63 63
Fax: +33/(0)5 61 33 64 11
Other Remarks
Modelcheckers for LTL and the mu-calculus are forthcoming.
No direct support is currently provided for performance or
timeliness analysis, but many of such requirements can be checked by
composing the Time Petri net models with "observer" nets that assert
or contradict the properties to be proven.
Visual Object Net ++
Entry last updated: 2003/5/9
Entry last validated: 2003/5/9
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
- Hybrid Dynamic Nets and Hybrid Object Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- Structural Analysis
- Simple Performance Analysis
- supports object hierarchies
Tool Description
Visual Object Net ++ is an innovative Petri-Net CAE Tool
for PC that supports mixed continuous and discrete event
Petri-Nets. During developing this software, a special attention was
directed to intuitive usability because of easy designing, quick
simulation and uncomplicated documentation of hybrid
Petri-Nets. Beside the new continuous net elements, the whole
well-tried concept of the traditional Petri-Nets is available.
The goal of Visual Object Net ++ is to study the behaviour and
characteristics of a class of hybrid Petri nets.
The software includes a help file, an english and a german tutorial to
teach how to use this software.
Since Version 2 Visual Object Net supports time concepts, priorities,
place capacities, and an object based hierarchy concept for handling
large nets.
Contact Information
Dipl.-Ing. Rainer Drath
Fakult„t f’r Informatik und Automatisierung
Institut f’r Automatisierungs- und Systemtechnik
Fachgebiet Automatisierungsanlagen und Prozežleittechnik
98684 Ilmenau
Phone: +49 3677 - 69-1466
Fax: +49 3677 - 69-1415
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2007/1/17
Entry last validated: 2007/1/17
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
Tool Description
VisualPetri is Petri net editor for Windows platform based on
GDI Plus library with an integrated simulator.
Contact Information
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2015/8/26
Entry last validated: 2015/8/26
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Non Markovian Stochastic Petri Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- Advanced Performance Analysis
- Memory policies
Tool Description
WebSPN is a modeling tool for the analysis of non-Markovian stochastic Petri nets that relaxes some of the restrictions present in currently available packages.
This tool provides a discrete time approximation of the stochastic behavior of the model which results in the possibility to analyze a wider class of Petri net models with prd, prs and pri concurrently enabled generally distributed transitions.
WebSPN makes wide use of Java technology and it is easily accessible from any node connected with the Internet as long as it possesses a Java-enabled Web browser.
The kernel implements a parallel algorithm based on Message Passing MPI-2, so the solution engine can run over a cluster of workstations.
Contact Information
Marco Scarpa
DICIEAMA - University of Messina
C.da Di Dio, (S. Agata)
98166 - Messina
Phone: +39 090 393228
Fax: +39 090 393502
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2016/10/14
Entry last validated: 2016/10/14
Tool homepage:
Tool availability:
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Extended high-level Petri nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Advanced Performance Analysis
Tool Description
WINSIM implements a class of extended high-level Petri nets with time, attributed tokens, data processing and control capabilities for simulation of all kinds of information systems. It supports related Model Description Language (MDL) with imbedded functions for generation of random numbers and random variates and Modeling Control Language (MCL). The system consists of two subsystems – creative and executive ones. The creative subsystem is used for preparation and editing of source texts of models in MDL, their compilation with MDL compiler and creation of executable model that becomes part of the system. The executive subsystem is used for parameterization of the created model with MCL , its running and outputting of simulation results. The system can work in all types of Windows OS without the necessity of an installation process. It has a standard GUI and provides fast simulation requiring a few seconds to run sufficiently large and complex models. WINSIM has
been used in a number of research projects, MS and PhD theses. The system software and its detailed manual are available on the attached CD in the book of A. Kostin and L. Ilushechkina, Modeling and Simulation of Distributed Systems, World Scientific, 2010.
Contact Information
Girne American University
via Mersin 10,
Phone: 0090 392 650 2000/1363
Other Remarks
Extended Petri nets, implemented in WINSIM, represent a complete algorithmic system. It means formally that any Turing machine can be described in terms of extended Petri nets. Functionally complete building block of these nets is an elementary net consisting of a transition and incident places. Elementary net implements four fundamental system activities – movement of tokens when transition fires, delay, token transformation and control. There are only four types of elementary nets that are proven to be sufficient for modeling of arbitrary centralized and distributed information systems. These are types T, X, Y and I. Detailed description of these nets is given in the book of A. Kostin and L. Ilushechkina, Modeling and Simulation of Distributed Systems, World Scientific, 2010. The book contains numerous examples of carefully commented and solved models of information systems. Among them are models of distributed load balancing, ad hoc wireless mobile network, di
stributed mutual exclusion, multicast-based anycast protocol, distributed leader election and model of a distributed logistic system. An example of using Extended Petri nets is given in A. E. Kostin, Y. Fanaeian and H. Al-Wattar, Anycast tree-based routing in mobile wireless sensor networks with multiple sinks, Wireless Networks, Volume 22, Number 2, 2016
Entry last updated: 2015/8/26
Entry last validated: 2015/8/26
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- State Spaces
- Structural Analysis
- Interchange File Format
- Workflow Net Property Analysis, PNML Compliant
- PC, Linux
- Macintosh, Mac OS X
- Java
- MS Windows
Tool Description
Wolfgang is a lightweight tool that allows users to easily create and edit Petri nets and check them against general and workflow specific net properties. Specifically, Wolfgang supports full PNML conform editing functionality of Place-Transition Nets (P/T-Nets) and Colored Petri Nets (CPN) as they are defined in the SEPIA library. Its simple and easy to use interface allows to quickly create Petri nets from scratch, edit them graphically in many ways, store and even export them as PDFs. Use Wolfgang to smoothly create the Petri net you want!
Contact Information
Business Process Security Group
Institute of Computer Science and Social Studies, Department of Telematics, University of Freiburg
Friedrichstrasse 50
79098 Freiburg
Phone: +49 761 203 4964
Fax: +49 761 203 4929
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2007/12/4
Entry last validated: 2007/12/4
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Workflow Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Resource Editor (roles and groups)
- Subprocess Support
- Token Game Animation
- Interchange File Format
- Semantical Analysis (soundness check)
- Woflan Analysis Interface
- Quantitative Analysis (throughput, waiting time)
- Capacity Planning (resource usage)
Tool Description
WoPeD is an easy-to-use, compact tool for editing, managing,
simulating and analyzing workflow nets following the well-established
"van der Aalst" notation. "Classical" P/T nets are also supported.
The main focus of WoPeD lies on educational and publishing usage.
WoPeD contains a full graphical editor, a visual token game simulator
and interfaces to many other tools using the PNML format. For workflow
nets, several qualitative and quantitative analysis methods are
supported. WoPeD is platform-independent, the executables have been
successfully tested on many different platforms. There are
installer packages available for Windows, Linux and MacOS X systems.
Contact Information
Thomas Freytag
University of Cooperative Education (Berufsakademie)
Department of Computer Sciences
D-76052 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49-721-9735-937
Fax: +49-721-9735-955
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2004/6/3
Entry last validated: 2004/6/3
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- WF Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Workflow Management System
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- Java
Tool Description
A Web-based system
called XRL/flower for carrying out Petri-net based workflows described with
XRL (eXchangeable Routing Language). XRL/flower uses XML technology and
is implemented in Java on top of the Petri-net Kernel PNK. Standard XML tools
can be deployed to parse, check, and handle XRL documents. The XRL enactment
application is complemented with a Web server, allowing actors to interact
with the system through the internet. A database allows the enactment engine
and the Web server to exchange information with each other. Since XRL is instance
based, a modelled workflow serves as a template that needs to be copied
and may be possibly rened for enactment. For that purpose XRL constructs are
automatically translated into Petri-net constructs. As a result, the system is easy
to extend: For supporting a new control flow primitive, the engine itself does not
need to change. Furthermore, the Petri net representation can be analyzed using
state-of-the-art analysis techniques and tools.
Contact Information
A. Norta (former Hirnschall), M.Sc.
Pav. J02
Postbus 513
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 - 040 - 247 5407
Fax: +31 - 040 - 243 2612
Other Remarks
Entry last updated: 2010/3/5
Entry last validated: 2010/3/5
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- Net Reductions
- Simple Performance Analysis
- Interchange File Format
- workflow case distinction
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- PC, MS Windows XP
Tool Description
Yasper offers easy editing, token gameplay and performance
analysis with randomized automatic simulation for basic P/T nets with
some extensions, including:
- case-specific vs. inter-case token flow (quite a unique feature)
- reset and inhibitor arcs
- decision nodes with parametrized probabilities of alternatives
- timed transitions (with token release determined by a
gamma distribution)
- subnets (parts of nets drawn on separate pages)
Contact Information
Kees van Hee, Reinier Post, Jan Martijn van der Werf
Department of Mathematics and Computing Science
Den Dolech 2
NL-5612 AZ Eindhoven
the Netherlands
Phone: +31 40 247 2526
Other Remarks
Yasper is a .NET application; it runs well on .NET 1.1 and 2.0,
and probably on later versions, but has many problems on Mono; hence,
it is only usable on Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Some additional utilities are available, such as command line
applications for Petri net format conversion and automatic simulation.
The code is not open source.
One release, 1.0, is available on the website; if you want to
try a more recent beta version, contact
Entry last updated: 2005/4/7
Entry last validated: 2004/5/19
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- YAWL supports multiple instances, OR-joins, and cancellation sets.
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Interchange File Format
- Workflow Management System
Tool Description
YAWL (Yet Another Workflow Language) is a workflow language / workflow management system based on Petri nets and a rigorous analysis of existing workflow management systems and workflow languages. Unlike traditional systems and (high-level) Petri nets it provides direct support for most of the workflow patterns. YAWL supports the control-flow perspective and the data perspective and is based on a web-based infrastructure.
YAWL is a joint effort of Queensland University of Technology and Eindhoven University of Technology.
Contact Information W.M.P. van der Aalst
Eindhoven University of Technology
Faculty of Technology and Management (PAV D2)
Department of Information Systems
PO Box 513
NL-5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 40 247.4295/2290
Fax: +31 40 243.2612
Other Remarks
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