Call for Papers and Announcement

Petri Nets 2003


Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 23-27, 2003

Additional information about the conference will be published via

Contact e-mail:

Important Dates:
Submission of Papers
& Tool Presentations:
November 15, 2002
Notification:March 1, 2003
Final Version Due:April 1, 2003
Tutorials:June 23-24, 2003
Conference:June 25-27, 2003

The 24th annual international Petri Net conference and tutorials will be organised by TU Eindhoven. Papers presenting original contributions in any area of application and theory of Petri nets are sought. The language of the conference is English.


System design and verification using nets,
Analysis and synthesis, structure and behaviour of nets,
Relationships between net theory and other approaches,
Causality/partial order theory of concurrency,
Net-based semantical, logical and algebraic calculi,
Symbolic net representation (graphical or textual),
Computer tools for nets,
Experience with using nets, case studies,
Educational issues related to nets,
Higher-level net models,
Timed and stochastic nets,
Standardisation of nets,
Applications of nets to different kinds of systems and application fields, e.g.: flexible manufacturing systems, real-time systems, embedded systems, defence systems, biological systems, health and medical systems, environmental systems, hardware structures, telecommunications, railway networks, office automation, workflows, supervisory control, protocols and networks, Internet, e-commerce and trading, programming languages, performance evaluation, operations research.

The conference takes place under the auspices of EATCS and GI SIG "Petri Nets and Related System Models".

Paper Submissions

Papers are solicited for the conference. The conference has two co-chairs. Theoretical papers should be sent to Eike Best, while application papers should be sent to Wil van der Aalst. Papers on the boundary of theory and application may be submitted to either co-chair. The title page must clearly indicate whether the paper is submitted as a theory paper, an application paper, or both. A typical application paper is a paper which describes one or more projects in which Petri net models and tools have been used in practice. An application paper may also describe a tool, a methodology, or other developments that demonstrate the applicability of Petri nets to industrial systems.

Electronic submissions via e-mail are strongly encouraged. Please send a self-contained PostScript file or PDF file. Authors who cannot comply with these instructions should send 6 paper copies. All submissions must be received no later than November 15, 2002.

Papers must be in English. Papers must be original contributions that have not been published previously, nor already submitted to other conferences in parallel with this conference. The length of the paper cannot exceed 20 pages, and the paper should be in such a form that it can be immediately included in the proceedings without major revision. The title page must contain a short abstract and a classification of the topics covered, preferably using the list of topics above. The paper must clearly state the problem being addressed, the goal of the work, the results achieved, and the relation to other work. Submissions received too late and submissions sent by fax will be immediately rejected. The same will happen with papers which are not in English or exceed the page limit (with a reasonable font size). Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by March 1, 2003.

The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. The final camera-ready version of accepted papers must be received by Wil van der Aalst no later than April 1, 2003. The page limit is 20 pages. Authors should follow the instructions on:

Program Committee Co-Chair
(Theoretical Papers)
Program Committee Co-Chair
(Application Papers)
Eike Best
Fachbereich Informatik
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg
D-26111 Oldenburg
Wil van der Aalst
TU Eindhoven
Department of Information and Technology
PO Box 513
NL-5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
+49 441 798 2973
+49 441 798 2965
+31 40 247 4295/2290
+31 40 243 2612
Organising Committee Chair Tools Demonstration Chair
Kees M. van Hee
TU Eindhoven
Department of Computing Science
P.O. Box 513
NL-5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Eric Verbeek
TU Eindhoven
Department of Information and Technology
PO Box 513
NL-5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
+31 40 247 4518/3300
+31 40 247 5405
+31 40 247 2181
+31 40 243 2612


The conference takes place Wednesday to Friday. However, the preceding Monday and Tuesday also offer a large variety of Petri net activities.

The Introductory Tutorial is offered to participants who have little or no prior experience with Petri nets. The talks give an overview of the area, and they will help new-comers to understand the basic ideas in many of the conference contributions. The Advanced Tutorials and Workshops are offered to those who already have some knowledge of Petri nets. They are divided into several strands covering different subjects. A detailed description of the tutorials and workshops will be available via the conference Web pages.

Finally, it will be possible to arrange meetings for different groups, e.g., participants in international Petri net projects. It will also be possible to arrange small educational courses, e.g., with respect to some of the Petri net tools. Submissions for such activities must contain a 2-5 page description. They must be received by Wil van der Aalst before January 15, 2003.

Tools for Petri Nets

As part of the conference, there will be an Exhibition of Computer Tools for Petri nets together with a limited number of tool presentations, i.e., talks about tools.

A tool presentation must focus on the description of a computer tool for Petri Nets (not an application of the tool or the theory behind the tool). A rotation principle will be enforced. This means that the same tool cannot be presented year after year -- unless it has been significantly enhanced.

Submissions for tool presentations must be in English. The length of the presentation cannot exceed 10 pages, and it should be in such a form that it can be immediately included in the proceedings without major revision. Submissions must be received by Wil van der Aalst before November 15, 2002. Electronic submissions via e-mail are strongly encouraged.

Submissions for tool demonstrations must contain a 2-5 page description. They must be received by Eric Verbeek before April 1, 2003. Participants wishing to demonstrate tools are encouraged to bring their own machines, as only a limited number of local machines will be available for this purpose, with limited support for installation.

History of the Conference

The aim of the conference is to create a forum for discussing progress in the application and theory of Petri nets. Typically, the conferences have 150-200 participants - one third of these coming from industry, the rest from universities and research institutions. The conference takes place in the last week of June. The proceedings are published by Springer-Verlag as Lecture Notes in Computer Science (

1. 1980 Strasbourg, France
2. 1981 Bad Honnef, Germany
3. 1982 Varenna, Italy
4. 1983 Toulouse, France
5. 1984 Aarhus, Denmark
6. 1985 Espoo, Finland
7. 1986 Oxford, UK
8. 1987 Zaragoza, Spain
9. 1988 Venice, Italy
10. 1989 Bonn, Germany
11. 1990 Paris, France
12. 1991 Aarhus, Denmark
13. 1992 Sheffield, UK
14. 1993 Chicago, USA
15. 1994 Zaragoza, Spain
16. 1995 Torino, Italy
17. 1996 Osaka, Japan
18. 1997 Toulouse, France
19. 1998 Lisbon, Portugal
20. 1999 Williamsburg, USA
21. 2000 Aarhus, Denmark
22. 2001 Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
23. 2002 Adelaide, Australia

Program Committee

W. van der Aalst, The Netherlands (co-chair, applications)
E. Best, Germany (co-chair, theory)
D. Buchs, Switzerland
N. Busi, Italy
S. Christensen, Denmark
G. Ciardo, USA
J. Cortadella, Spain
G. De Michelis, Italy
J. Desel, Germany
S. Donatelli, Italy
J. Esparza, UK
S. Haddad, France
N. Husberg, Finland
H. Klaudel, France
J. Kleijn, The Netherlands
S. Kumagai, Japan
M. Mukund, India
T. Murata, USA
W. Penczek, Poland
H. Schmidt, Australia
M. Silva, Spain
P.S. Thiagarajan, Singapore
A. Yakovlev, UK
W. Zuberek, Canada

Steering Committee

G. Balbo, Italy
J. Billington, Australia
S. Haddad, France
K. Jensen, Denmark
S. Kumagai, Japan
G. De Michelis, Italy
T. Murata, USA
C. A. Petri, Germany (honorary member)
W. Reisig, Germany
G. Rozenberg, The Netherlands (chair)
M. Silva, Spain

Other Major Activities of the Petri Net Community

Petri Net Newsletter

The newsletter is published twice a year by the Special Interest Group on Petri Nets and Related System Models of the Gesellschaft für Informatik. It contains short research articles, surveys and state-of-the-art reports, announcements, programs and reports on meetings, theses and new books, abstracts of recent publications, etc. The executive editors are: Contributions should be sent to one of the editors. Deadlines are the end of March and the end of September. Subscription forms can be ordered from one of the editors. Subscription forms (and former issues) can also be ordered via fax, mail or e-mail from the following address:

Advances in Petri Nets

The Advances in Petri Nets series is published by Springer-Verlag as Lecture Notes in Computer Science ( The volumes are edited by G. Rozenberg. The intention of this series is to present the most significant recent results in the application and theory of Petri Nets to the broad computer science community. Each volume of Advances is devoted to a specific research area. To get more information about Advances please contact:

Advanced Courses on Petri Nets

These courses are organised periodically in order to present the progress in Petri nets in a systematic way. Until now there have been three courses: Hamburg 1979, Bad Honnef 1986 and Dagstuhl 1996. The material from the courses are published by Springer-Verlag as Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

Forthcoming Advanced Course on Petri Nets

Petri Net WWW and Petri Net Mailing Group

These electronic services are used to disseminate announcements, questions, bibliographies, tool information, addresses, and all other kinds of Petri net related information. The services are maintained by the CPN group at University of Aarhus, Denmark. More information can be obtained at the following addresses: Last modified: Mon Jun 10 09:41:17 MET DST 2002