Here you can find publications and talks of NET working group members.
Newest Entries
Kevin Röbert, Dominik Kaaser, Mathias Fischer: Unlinkable Data Sharing with Dynamic Access Control. The 40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC'25). 2025. Catania, Italy. [accepted for publication]
Heiko Bornholdt, Kevin Röbert, Stefan Schulte, Janick Edinger, Mathias Fischer: A Software-Defined Overlay Networking Middleware for a Simplified Deployment of Distributed Application at the Edge. The 40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC'25). 2025. Catania, Italy. [accepted for publication]
Sehrish Shafeeq, Mathias Fischer: Privacy aware data aggregation using Functional Encryption. 23rd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2024. [Workshop paper]
Tatjana Wingarz, August See, Florian Gondesen, Mathias Fischer: Privacy-preserving Network Anomaly Detection on Homomorphically Encrypted Data. IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), Taipei, Taiwan, 2024.
Georg Becker, Thomas Eisenbarth, Hannes Federrath, Mathias Fischer, Nils Loose, Simon Ott, Joana Pecholt, Stephan Marwedel, Dominik Meyer, Jan Stijohann, Anum Talpur, Matthias Vallentin: SOVEREIGN - Towards a Holistic Approach to Critical Infrastructure Protection. Accepted for Publication at International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2024) - International Workshop on Physical and Cyber Security in Interdependent Critical Infrastructures (PCSCI). Vienna, Austria, 2024.