Here you can find publications and talks of SVS working group members.
Newest Entries
Georg Becker, Thomas Eisenbarth, Hannes Federrath, Mathias Fischer, Nils Loose, Simon Ott, Joana Pecholt, Stephan Marwedel, Dominik Meyer, Jan Stijohann, Anum Talpur, Matthias Vallentin: SOVEREIGN - Towards a Holistic Approach to Critical Infrastructure Protection. Accepted for Publication at International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2024) - International Workshop on Physical and Cyber Security in Interdependent Critical Infrastructures (PCSCI). Vienna, Austria, 2024.
Joshua Stock, Henry Heitmann, Janik Noel Schug, Daniel Demmler: DealSecAgg: Efficient Dealer-Assisted Secure Aggregation for Federated Learning. 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES'24), July 30–August 02, 2024, Vienna, Austria. [URL is not yet valid yet (at time of entry creation), should be valid soon.]
Hannes Federrath: Starke Verschlüsselung als Voraussetzung erfolgreicher Digitalisierung in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. GI-WebTalk "Das Recht auf Verschlüsselung – Wo bleibt es?", 22. Mai 2024.