KBS-WS15-Lightningtalks3/dot onion

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Dies ist der 15. Termin vom KunterBuntenSeminar im WS 2015. Ort: Raum D-125 am Informatikum
Datum: 26. Januar
Zeit: 18:15 Uhr bis ca. 19:45 Uhr


Dieser Lightning Talk wurde in der dritten Lightning Talk Session des KunterBuntenSeminars im Wintersemester 2015 gehalten.

Tor onion services

Hiding services to preserve privacy


  • httpd: your private web presence
  • xmpp: your daily instant messaging
  • other services ...

see: https://www.torproject.org/docs/hidden-services.html.en

service Configuration

Configuring .onion-Service

 aptitude install tor


 # nginx
 HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden-httpd/
 HiddenServicePort 80

restart tor:

 systemctl restart tor.service

see: https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-hidden-service.html.en

httpd: nginx




 server {
 root /var/www/hidden-httpd/;
 index index.html index.htm;
 server_name <hash>.onion;

xmpp: prosody


 VirtualHost "<hash>.onion"
 modules_enabled = { "onions" };
 ssl = {
       key = "/etc/prosody/certs/<hash>.onion.key";
       certificate = "/etc/prosody/certs/<hash>.onion.crt";
 modules_enabled = { "onions" };
 onions_only = true;

see: https://modules.prosody.im/mod_onions.html

Client Configuration

Configuring aptitude

 aptitude install torsocks apt-transport-tor


 deb tor+http://vwakviie2ienjx6t.onion/debian/ stable main
 deb tor+http://earthqfvaeuv5bla.onion/debian/ stable main

see: http://richardhartmann.de/blog/posts/2015/08/25-Tor-enabled_Debian_mirror_part_2/

Using torbrowser

 aptitude install torbrowser-launcher
  • icon of Torbrowser on your desktop
  • accessing .onion-web-services
  • every domain visited is routed through a different circuit


  • SOCKS-5-Proxy: localhost:9050
  • connects all traffic through the tor-network


momo: Ich bin per jabber (post@bjoernb.org) oder mail (4bewersd@inf) zu erreichen, oder ab und an im c.t..
