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= Trivia =
= Trivia =

Version vom 17. Dezember 2024, 14:51 Uhr

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  • Attendees: Henrik, Jannis, Tom, Philipp, Sina, Martin, Fabio, Benny, Justus, Louis (Discord), Jens+ other Guests (2)
  • Quorum: 10/15 #t
  • Transcript Writer: Maddin, Benny
  • Date: 11.12.2024
  • Begin: 18.00
  • End: 19:12
  • Location: G-134/Discord

Last Week (Old TODOS)

  • Fabio has officially disinvited the other student councils
  • Maybe host a joint summer festival with other student councils next summer
  • Justus has updated the FSR wiki page
  • Committee page hasn’t been updated for a long time; we’ll keep it that way
  • Sina announced that FSR is bilingual and sent a summary
  • Tom gave Sina permissions in the community for it
  • Justus did some research and is still looking for a ticket system solution (will ask the student office)
  • Maddin restocked the fridge with drinks (Monday and Wednesday)
  • Tom did some things
  • The AStA processed financial applications
  • The Bit-Bots have agreed with TAMS that they will get a room somehow


  • We now have an Instagram account: @fsr.inf.uhh
  • Proposal: Story post for the winter seminar

Stellwerksim Game Day Monitors Toni

  • Toni wants 4 monitors for a game shortly before Christmas
  • TODO for Tom: Send the final email

Mail from Steinicke

  • Email from Steini that we can look at HAW credits for GameEngines, either in electives or free electives
  • We’ll see what makes sense
  • Proposal from Tom: The only MCI student (Philipp) takes care of it (no one objects)

Money from Department

  • We applied for a lock, and there were issues
  • Department 8 doesn’t like the solution because it’s niche (not transferable to the new Ikum)

Winter Seminar

  • We need to set prices; Tom prepared a price proposal, which has already been circulated
  • More promotion? Maybe a story post on Insta on Friday morning or Thursday evening
  • TODO for Philipp: Announcement tomorrow on WhatsApp and Insta

Drink Order

  • The last two drink orders have not yet been paid by the AStA. Louis will write an email asking why it’s taking so long.

Luis leaves

Funding Plan for AGs

  • Justus has drafted a proposal
  • Event funding should generally not exceed x
  • Tom’s proposal: Formulate guidelines and later justify our decisions (e.g., how many people benefit, what the amount is, etc.)
  • Henrik suggests keeping the rules more general and deciding on a case-by-case basis; everyone agrees

Awareness Team Winter Seminar

  • There is no official awareness team for the winter seminar. Sina suggests that FSR members informally act as the awareness team.
  • Tom wonders whether it makes sense for all FSR members to do this or just 3-4 people
  • Question about how to communicate this
  • Sina’s proposal: Buttons
  • Henrik says to share an FSR poster in the group, saying people can approach us
  • Proposal: Armbands
  • Tom wants a Poster
  • TODO for Tom: Armband and poster
  • Tom suggests asking the trained awareness team
  • Jonas, as a trained member of the awareness team, will likely be at the cash desk all evening
  • Tom will create a separate WhatsApp group: FSR Awareness