Die Orginalseite gibt es unter der Adresse http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/%7Etate/search-all.html

Over 70 different search engines

Page maintained by Tim Tate, Jr., tate@acsu.buffalo.edu

  1. Starting Point
    Starting Point allows you to search several different databases all at once.

  2. Alta Vista
    Alta Vista was started in the summer of 1995 at Digital's Research Laboratories, and searches the full text of over 16 million Web pages.

  3. Inktomi Search Engine
    The Inktomi Search Engine is the first fast web indexer with a large database. The database is currently 1.3M documents, versus 1.18M for Lycos, 200K for InfoSeek, and 150K for WebCrawler.

  4. excite Netsearch
    excite NetSearch is your way of searching the Internet. Whatever it is you're interested in finding, as long as you know how to refer to it, this is the place to get it. excite's NetSearch contains lots of information for you to search over -- at present, one and a half million Web pages and two weeks of Usenet news articles and classified ads.

  5. All-in-One Search Page
    This page is a compilation of various forms-based search tools found on the Internet. They have been combined here to form a consistent interface and convenient ALL-IN-ONE search point.

  6. Lycos
    Lycos search engine is the most powerful search engine on the planet. Lycos indexes over 90% of the web!

  7. WebCrawler

  8. InfoSeek
    InfoSeek is a comprehensive and accurate WWW search engine. You can type your search in plain English or just enter key words and phrases.

  9. Open Text
    The Web Index contains about 769 million words of text, and 12,486,223 hyperlinks.

  10. Yahoo
    [ see Yahoo Information and Help ]

  11. DejaNews
    It's big! The largest collection of indexed archived Usenet news anywhere! It's fast! Searches through mountains of Usenet archives in seconds to find the information you need. It gets results!Fill-out forms and "how-to" guides help you target your search to get what you want, fast and easy. It's what you need! The information is out there - now there's a way to find it! A must for your hotlist!
    [ for more info, see Help ]

  12. FTP search '95
    An archie-like search tool with a Web-based interface.

    The Planet Earth Home Page is a virtual library. This library is referred to as the PEHP Virtual Library. This library contains a collection of resources available on the World Wide Web.

  14. Savvy
    A variety of excellent tools are available to help Users locate information on the Internet. Savvy is a Meta-Search-Tool, designed to send a user's information query to several Internet Engines in real time. ... [ for more info see this document ]

  15. IS Workgroup
    [ no information found ]

  16. INFO-MAC HyperArchive ROOT
    Enabling one to locate files via keyword search of filenames and subject lines.

  17. CUSI
    CUSI is a single interface to many different search tools, developed by Martijn Koster at NEXOR.

  18. COMMA Hotlist Database
    The hotlist database contains 743 items, and 138 subjects, compiled from the hotlists of 8 COMMA users. 194 items in the database are unclassified. The database was last updated Jan 11 1995.

  19. ALIWEB
    [ see Introduction ]

  20. PC Quote Server
    [ see FAQ ]

  21. CUI WWW Catalog

    [ no information found ]

  22. Usenet FAQ
    [ no information found ]

  23. Veronica
    [ see FAQ ]

  24. The Whole Internet Catalogue
    [ no information found ]

  25. The Language List
    [ no informatoin found ]

  26. The Free Compilers List
    This is a searchable version of the Free Compilers List currently maintained by David Muir Sharnoff. ... The list catalogues freely available software for language tools, which includes the following: compilers, compiler generators, interpreters, and assemblers -- things whose user interface is a language. Natural language processing tools may also be included.

  27. Computer Science Technical Report Archive Sites
    This is a local search engine for Rik Harris' list of Computer Science Technical Report Archive Sites which is periodically posted to comp.doc.techreports. See also: Information about the list.

  28. OO Bibliography
    This Hypertext database contains a variety of bibliography references, mostly related to Object-Oriented Systems and Object-Based Concurrency. Abstracts and ftp sites are given for some papers.

  29. Big Dummy
    Use this page to search for topics within EFF's (Extended) Guide to the Internet, version 2.3.

  30. Internet Drafts Index
    This is not the official IETF WWW Server, but gives an Overview of IETF Working Groups and their Internet Drafts and allows you to browse through titles and descriptions of the current Internet drafts.

  31. BSD/386 Hypertext Man Pages
    Man Page Lookup searches for man pages name and section as given in the selection menu and the query dialog. Apropos Keyword searches the database for the string given in the query dialog. There are also several hypertext links provided as short-cuts to various queries: Section Indexes is apropos listings of all man pages by section. Explanations of Man Sections contains pointers to the intro pages for various man sections. Or you can select a catagory from Quick Reference Categories and see man pages relevant to the selected topic.

  32. CUI Computer Science Library
    This database lists all the publications in the CUI's Computer Science library. You may also wish to consult the list of most recent acquisitions to the library (updated weekly).

  33. Jughead (Gopher directory)
    [ no information found ]

  34. The Free Database List
    The Free Database List is an attempt to enumerate all known free databases. ...

  35. Phone gateway
    [ see Query Output]

  36. UFN
    [ no information found ]

  37. Machine Interface Gateway
    Enter a hostname for the machine-information gateway.

  38. InterNIC
    [ no information found ]

  39. Geographic Name Server by City or ZIP code
    [ no information found ]

  40. Library of Congress
    [ Database Availability: (6:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri.) (8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat.)(8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Sun.) ]

  41. Listserv Lists
    [ no information found ]

  42. for Images
    [ no information found ]

  43. Macmillan Bookstore
    To search our entire database of books, type keywords in the box below separated by a space, then click the "Search" button.

  44. Link Exchange

  45. World Wide Web Yellow Pages
    Type keywords in the box below to search the Web! They can be partial site names, URLs, or words from a description. The more keywords you supply, the narrower the search results will be.

  46. a collection of mathematical Web material
    To search a collection of over 35,000 documents on mathematics and statistics servers across the Web, enter one or more ``phrases'', then start the search. [ for more info see the documentation ]

  47. Roget's Thesaurus
    [ no information found ]

  48. Dictionary of Computing
    [ see the page ]

  49. Acronym Dictionary
    To look up the meaning of an acronym type the acronym: case is not important.

  50. toad's hotlist / history
    Type a string, I'll go look for URLs that contain it, from toad's hotlist / history. Allowing you to see what I've seen. Because I've been there (sm).

  51. MetaCrawler
    The MetaCrawler operates in two general modes: Normal Mode and Verification Mode. Normal Mode means that the MetaCrawler queries the sundry search engines and reports their results immediately. ... [ for more info see Query Modes ]

  52. Galaxy
    The Galaxy is intended to help you find information. This page describes some details of Galaxy organization and capability, as well as some strategies for finding that needle in an Internet.

  53. GNA Meta Library
    This script implements a case insensitive initial substring search of the GNA Meta-Library internet reference table, then the GNA Course Catalog. This copy of the meta-library, stored as a /rdb table, has about 4,000 rows containing about 80,000 words. [ for more info see this page ]

  54. Gopher Catalog of Electronic Texts
    [ no information found ]

  55. Hacker's Jargon

    [ no information found ]

  56. the Verity Virtual Library
    You will be searching about 50 Web-related mailing lists and thousands of Web pages that describe software, hardware, techniques, research - anything that might be of interest to the Web professionals. We continously update our database using a special version of the Topic Web Indexer, a sophisticated Web robot.

  57. CARL
    This page allows you to perform a bibliographic search on the Colorado Association of Research Libraries (CARL) databases.

  58. Indiana University's UCS Knowledge Base (Simple Search)
    The UCS Knowledge Base contains over 4000 entries that answer computing questions asked by Indiana University users. You can enter a search phrase below, or use our simple menus.

  59. Black Box
    for Black Box products, solutions, and technologies here. We'll return the results of your search in order of titles of documents, headers within documents, links within documents and text within the bodies of documents.

  60. WWW server, Dept. of Math and CS, TU Eindhoven
    Use this form to search selected parts of our WWW space.

  61. Picons
    the picons databases, large collections of thumbnail images representing Internet users and domains and Usenet newsgroups.

  62. all directory servers
    [ no information found ]

  63. the NLS Command User's Guide
    [ no information found ]

  64. World Wide Web Worm
    [ see Instructions ]

  65. http://odyssey.lib.duke.edu
    To search all files within this directory and its sub-directories, use the search form shown below.

  66. Doctor Fun Archives
    [ no inforamtion found ]

  67. Webster's Dictionary
    This hypertext Webster interface provides a point-and-click client interface (for non-linemode browsers) for accessing the various Webster's dictionary services on the Internet. First, type the word for which you want the definition in the search window and hit return. Words in the resulting definition are hypertext linked back into the dictionary, allowing you to use your mouse to access the definition of those related (and unrelated) words.

  68. Notre Dame
    [ no information found ]

  69. Archie Gateway
    Archie Servers help you to locate files on FTP Servers. There are Archies in several different countries. During business hours, you might have to wait some time for your answer.

  70. NCSA HTML docs finder
    Use the Docfinder to search for documents on NCSA's web server .

    Indexing is done every night at 3 am CST

  71. the Ultimate Band List
    [ no information found ]

    Complex Searches:

  72. VSL (Virtual Software Library): Archive Search

  73. ArchiePlex

Last updated May 6, 1996

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